Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Susquehanna Glass to open retail shop in Columbia

Sometime in April, Susquehanna Glass, which has a Columbia factory where it does custom glass etching for wholesale customers, plans to open a small retail shop in town.


  1. Hopefully, with the foot traffic the store created at its old location, that traffic will find its way downtown and business to other stores also. Could be a spark for the market house.

  2. Thank you to the Roye Family. Any idea where the store is going to be operating?
    Yes, Our Market House needs to come back to life.
    Where is Chris Vera?

    1. Chris is busy doing much needed renovations at the historic society. A priceless volunteer always working for Columbia with little recognition. Thanks Chris. Whatever did happen to the time and effort the three applicants put into their public presentations for the market manager position?

    2. Probably did not meet the likings of council.Someone or some group has got to give direction as to what the market should be. The longer the inactivity of council goes on with what the place should be, the worse it gets.
      They talk of grants, but what are they for. Grants are nice,. But with the small number of stands and no goals in mind, grants are useless

    3. Just stopped by the market house and was closed. Winter hours, Friday, Saturday, Sunday 10-3. What stupid hours for Friday. People that work are out of luck.It looks as if council wants it to fail.

  3. They do want it to fail and we know just who it is the good old coffee club

  4. Why don't they just close the market house down not open when it should be and when it is open there is not any thing worth while to go in for would save the borough money no elec no heat bills it's not a real market house any way should have vegs stands fruit stands sell meats also stands where people can get a bite to eat


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