Wednesday, January 25, 2017

School Board poised to reverse decision and appoint board member

The Columbia School Board is poised to reverse a previous decision and appoint a board director to a vacant seat at a special meeting tonight at 5:30 p.m. at the district office.

According to the meeting agenda (posted at the district website), the board will attempt a reversal of its January 18 vote to table an appointment in order to fill the vacant seat. (The vote was tabled pending a judge's decision.) The solicitor will then present an argument challenging Frank Doutrich's petition for the seat.

The seat was vacated by Leo Lutz, Jr. when he resigned from the board effective December 9, 2016. When the board failed to fulfill the legal requirement to appoint a new board member within 30 days, Doutrich filed a petition with the Court of Common Pleas for the seat. Doutrich told the Spy late this morning that he had not received any notification of the judge's decision.


  1. It appears that someone is doing everything possible to keep Mr. Doutrich from being on the board.

    Is someone afraid of losing control?

    1. Just one more reason that the Elanco agreement must be ended before June!!!!!

    2. What does it take to stress to the board THEY are Strickler's boss and also Hollister's. As I stated before, the agreement sounded good at first, but went downhill quick when they accepted the make up my job Strickler. End it as soon as possible.

  2. I agree. If anyone opposes the ideas of Strickler he will fight the appointment. Hope whoever is appointed, they serve all and help get the kids a good education. As Trump would say, "Make Columbia education great again."

  3. It's interesting that item 6 on the agenda "to appoint" presumes the success of item 5 "to un-table" - almost as if it is a fait accompli - a done deal.

    1. Yes Cole, according to the agenda for tonight this has been decided and tonight's meeting is a formality. A sad day for Columbia when this town pushes a long time tax paying resident to the curb. I was born in Columbia and have been paying taxes here for decades. I love this town. Seeing what's going on makes me want to give up on it and leave. What kind of residents will be left here? The board and council can rule over landlords when the good homeowners are all gone.

    2. Looks like someone thinks he has lined up enough votes for this to pass.

    3. Here's hoping the property tax elimination goes through. If the taxes are reduced and we are not handing our money directly to these people to pay for deals we do not agree with maybe then we won't have to concern ourselves quite as much. Sit back and watch the ship sink.

    4. This agreement is bogus, no matter where the money comes from. It is still our dollars being grossly misused and yes we still need to be concerned, particularly because of how this agreement was created.

  4. I had the privilege to serve on borough council years ago with Frank Doutrich. Even though Frank and I did not see eye to eye on some items, I held his opinions with respect. Knowing Frank now, he would be a great person to serve on the school board.By not placing him on the board, would be a dishonor to the tax payers of Columbia and to Mr. Doutrich.

  5. Let's not forget the up and coming talent that exists in Ms. Geesy.

    1. Ms. Geesey was always a good person, strong willed ,and had a mind of her own.
      It would very surprising if she could be persuaded to follow the current path of deception, secretive actions, and unethical behavior displayed by those who want to protect this Elanco agreement as it stands.
      If the director position was eliminated , some pieces of the agreement may have benefits for our kids,

    2. Reading her background, she was student representative to the school board in her junior and senior years at CHS. Also, she worked for different state officials in Harrisburg. From her background, I think Ms. Geesey or Mr. Doutrich would be good to fill the vacant seat. Do not give in to Strickler.

  6. This should serve as notice to all that this is our fault for allowing this crap to go unchecked.
    When one person uses an entire town to gain employment, Shame On Us.
    This has to end. We need to show up and speak up!

  7. School board members take an oath to do what is best for all, not for one, who desires a job.

    Would like to know if the main purpose of our school district is to educate all children or if it is to create jobs for former board members.

  8. This agreement and all the fallout was made up so that one person could get a job.

  9. Many people in town say that they want Strickler out of the district because of the way that he got a job. How was this possible and who contrived to allow this travesty to happen?

    1. Maybe that question could be asked at a public meeting.

      It is quite possible that a thorough review of board minutes holds some answers, such as who was present or absent when critical votes were taken and were these situations manipulated?

  10. Saw this on another post and agree.
    Get rid of the director. Now!
    Divide the job to the principals.
    They would tell us and Hollister the truth.

  11. Have had it with the Strickler stuff!!
    End the agreement. He gooes!
    We need action, not words, the board does not listen to small crowds and individuals.
    Fill the meetings, speak loud enough ,demand that this agreement is ended.
    What is being done to prevent Mr.Doutrich from serving is shameful
    Support the few board members of integrity.

  12. Where was everybody at tonight? These comments would be better served at the meeting. This site is EXCELLENT for informing the taxpayers,students,and parents. Please use the information and attend the meetings. If people don't show up things will NEVER change. The boards needs to see the people care. It's easy go to the meetings. PLEASE!

    1. Meeting time of 5:30 is difficult to make for many who work out of town.

      Having a meeting at a time like this is questionable scheduling.

      Was this designed to limit the attendance? I hope Not!

  13. Strickler should be relieved of his duties.
    Revisit the agreement after he is no longer involved.
    Advocate for clear, truthful communication.
    If no common ground is found, end the agreement.
    Regain local control
    No chain is strong with one extremely weak link.

  14. From these comments, it seems that any good that may have come from this agreement with Elanco has been diminished by Elanco's choice for the director position and the way it was done.

    Another sad chapter in Columbia's constant search to improve education for the children.


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