Friday, December 23, 2016

The best candidate is ignored - again!


  1. Great letter, but true it happened they really do not want her. We need to ask WHY?

  2. Only the puppet master and his puppets know for sure.

  3. Mr. Resch is a person of integrity. He should be thanked for his courage.

    We must support his efforts to bring integrity and transparency to the Board.

    A group ,similar to the Concerned Citizens, needs to be formed to give voice to concerns of possible unethical behavior and conflicts of interest by some current and past board members which led to this reprehensible agreement with Elanco, which removed local control and created a job for a possibly unqualified and uncertified person.

    The current Board president was not elected by the people. He was chosen, in a questionable manner, by certain members of the Board as a replacement for an elected member who resigned, after which he was chosen by those same members for president rather than the deserving Kathy Hohenadel.

    Mr. Resch's letter must serve as a call to action by those who share his level of integrity and who are willing to work to correct this current, unacceptable Board behavior.

    1. Where can a group gather? We must begin somewhere, somehow to turn things around. It should be announced so everyone that's interested can arrange to attend.

    2. A group is forming! Talk with your friends about the school board elections in 2017. People of integrity are needed to replace those who have none. January is a new beginning. More to follow!!!

  4. It is a shame that with Kathy's background in education that this board did not name her president.She will not give in to the present crew operating the system. She is looking out for the taxpayers. A good leader being thrown to the side of the road.

  5. Just another reason why this school district needs to be eliminated.

  6. I have never met Mr. Resch, but the answers he seeks are clearly explained in Galations 6:7. Karma NEVER fails. It is the great equalizer in this life. Rest assured; myself and my two children were dealt a dose of the "unquestionable integrity" Mr. Resch references that we will NEVER forget.


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