Saturday, September 17, 2016

Ford and Garrido join school board

 Ford and Garrido take the oath of office, which was administered by District Magisterial Judge Miles Bixler.

Barry Ford and Iris Rachael Garrido were sworn in as school board directors by District Magistrate Miles Bixler at Thursday's Columbia Borough School Board meeting. Ford and Garrido filled two board vacancies, one of which was created when Cole Knighton assumed the presidency after Tom Strickler's resignation, and the other by Tammy Mattern's resignation, effective September 9, 2016. The board previously appointed former board member Keith Combs to fill a vacancy created when Fran Resch resigned in May.

Ford resigned from borough council in May, citing health concerns. This was Garrido's third try for a seat on the board. 

Leo Lutz Jr. was absent from Thursday's meeting, but those present voted unanimously for the appointments. Vicki Anspach voted also, despite her absence at last week's committee of the whole meeting when candidate interviews were held. When questioned at last week's meeting if absent members would vote, Superintendent Dr. Robert Hollister said, "We'd have abstentions from the other board members." The vacancy created by Mattern's resignation was not advertised. (Lutz and Mattern were also absent from last week's meeting.)

The board also accepted the resignation of high school principal Maura Hobson, effective September 14, 2016. Hobson will remain in the position for up to 60 days, pending a replacement.

 New board director Barry Ford

 New board director Iris Garrido

Garrido: "I'm here to be part of the solution." 


  1. Welcome aboard to Iris Garrido, a good person who cannot be controlled or bullied.

  2. Iris Garrido should NEVER had to try 3 times to get a school board seat. This district needs honest , ethical people on the board who have the best interests of the schools as their goal. She will be a breath of fresh air.

  3. Barry Ford is known as an honest guy. Let's hope he too can resist the bullying of Strickler and be a real plus to the board working properly.

    1. I always thought he was too. But resigning from Boro council for health reasons and joining school board a few months later....... REALLY?

  4. Welcome and congratulations Iris!!!

  5. What is the reason why the high-school principal resigned? Hopefully it was not the appointment of Strickler as Director of Operations. Congrats to the new members of the board. Do not be bullied by Strickler.

    1. The doo definitely had something to do with it. Strickler needs to go.

  6. Maybe Strickler could be the new principal...oops forgot, he is only going to tell the new principal what to do....he is not qualified or certified or allowed to actually be principal. He just gets to evaluate them. All applicants should be made aware of who will supervise and rate them, BEFORE they accept the job. Now ,if they have been presidents of school boards, somewhere, anywhere, they would have an advantage over other applicants.

    1. Nah; that'd probably be a pay cut. He wouldn't want that.

  7. Strickler probably did not want Iris because she works with attorneys.

  8. Has Mr.Combs attended all meeting since being sworn in?

    So let us look at both Borough Council and School Board score for 2016:

    Columbia Borough Council: 3 Elected 4 Non-Elected

    Columbia School Board: 6 Elected 3 Non Elected

    I bet this has never happened in the history of elected officials in Columbia Borough.How can I believe in a my town?

  9. why would hobson stay? good luck finding an administrator willing to risk a career move to come here and work! Our schools have a long history of failing. Some kids are out of control. AND a new administrator would have to deal with the likes of the bullying board president/director-of-all-things, and board members that have been part of the show for years. fran told part of the story but the story is the same old story. no one is surprised, everyone knows whats been going on here for years. no one cares. even everybody pointing out this or that on the blogs or the talk at hinkles. it will be just more of the same. watch and see. a year from now, same stuff, different day.

    1. Come to the board meeting. Show them that this will not be the same next year No one is afraid of Strickler. Fill these board meetings ,and have your say. Vote these two out who come up for election next year. Tell all your friends to come.
      End this agreement with Elanco and send Strickler packing.
      They count on people not coming and not questioning. This is now over.

  10. I heard great things about Ms Garrido, she speaks from the heart and won't be pushed around by corruption we support Garrido.

  11. Welcome Iris, she has a backbone and won't be bullied.

  12. I won't get into questioning the ethics or morals of any of these people that VOLUNTEER their time to our local school board as I personally know very little about most of them. As for Iris Garrido I like what she said, her reason for being there. I hope and would like to believe that all of our school board members are there because they share the same ideals.

    As for the resignation of Mrs, Hobson, I'm happy to see it. No reason was given for her resignation, however, her statements to me a week ago Friday revealed a person in denial, completely unaware of the problems in her school and unlikely to change. IT'S GOOD TO SEE HER GONE.

    1. There is a PA code of ethics that school board (volunteer) members must abide by. If that comes into question, as taxpayers, we have a right to know.

    2. These "volunteers" have our money. They must answer for spending of that money. They must be open and honest. The Sunshine laws apply to them. Don't look the other way if someone says there are things going on that are questionable then question it. They want you not to question.

    3. Mr. Wiker I am surprised at your statement that you "won't question the morals and ethics of any of these people that VOLUNTEER their time..." That is EXACTLY the problem. Because taxpayers were not watching, a volunteer just for a $94,000/year job!!! PLEASE don't close tour eyes to this. Many people came out to support you and your daughter and turning a blind eye to this ethics issue is not in the best interest of any of us taxpayers.....well, except one, Tom Strickler.
      Please think about that.

    4. I said I'm not going to question the character of people I know very little about. ..not that I wouldn't question the decisions they may make, when given reason to question them. There is a distinct difference.

    5. Well then you weren't paying attention at the meeting. You can't volunteer for a school board for 12 years, make sure it is finally stacked with enough of those you would consider your friends, then land a job within that school district for $94,000/year!
      I don't know most of them either, but I know the facts from reading many articles on this very site. And they articles are facts, not opinions.

    6. To be completely honest with you, I know very little about the situation, but I did 'catch the vibe' this past Thursday. It's clear to me that many people believe Mr. Strickler may have done some underhanded things, manipulated his position as a school board member, and used his influence to bully others to go along with what he wanted, but I really know very little about those allegations and so won't judge the character of the man, or any man I know so little about. Yes, ghost l those allegations are shocking and unacceptable, if true. I don't know enough about the situation to determine it is. ..that's no judgement of anyone. I'm simply pleading ignorance. Granted, the allegations got my attention. To me, for now, they are only allegations. ..I sincerely hope they are misguided, and wrong. Not because I'm against you, or anyone for that matter, but for the fact that if true it's very, very disturbing.

  13. Ford and Garrido had nameplates in front of them immediately following being sworn in, yet meeting after meeting attorney Grab has a nameplate in front of him that says "Nikolaus."
    It would not be that difficult to make one with his name on.

  14. Good luck Iris!!!
    Ford, I'm very leary of you.

  15. It looks like the resignations have begun. Too bad Strickler did not resign,but why would he. Create a job, set the guidelines, get paid $94,000and answer to who.Remember school board,YOU are his boss. Watch him.

  16. Fran did a great thing that took courage that other board members need to show. The board member who talked to Fran about how he should vote should resign immediately. Strickler should resign.

    1. She's too full of herself to resign.

    2. Then she may have to face being outed in a public meeting. She has overstepped being too full of herself this time.

  17. Does not anyone find it odd that Ford resigns from Council but now wants to represent on the School Board? Seriously? What did he do on council to bring about change in the borough? Good Guy - without a doubt and yes he loves Columbia but come on - that isn't what the school board needs! The board needs people who are proponents of change not members who are still quoting Mike Burke Sr. - 10 years after he finished coaching - like a GOD to the Lancaster Newspapers. Get your heads out of the past - Columbia has changed and it better catch up to the times or it will cease to exist. He will support Strickler - after all Stricker's son WAS a star! Again - 15 years ago. Thanks Frannie for speaking the truth and shedding light on the craziness that exists on this board. Cole - you are a joke. I don't know how you even take yourself seriously.

  18. Barry has a real chance to be a real hero in his beloved Columbia. Prior to his appointment, he spoke very highly of Strickler and the agreement. He now has a chance to be a real news reporter and to listen and gather the facts. I know that Barry despises bad umpiring, bad refs, and bad officiating. Here is a chance for him to choose his hometown over the desires of one self serving person who would tilt the game's outcome in his favor, and throw Barry under the bus in a heartbeat .Barry, please do the right thing for the district's integrity.

  19. From what I remember Barry Ford was not a fair news reporter. His stories always had a bias.


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