Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Borough properties - some for sale, some blighted

The County Sheriff's Sale List for Wednesday, September 28, 2016,  includes properties that have been cancelled, postponed as well as those that remain active.
Currently, there are nine Columbia Borough properties on this list.
There are about 64 properties for sale in the borough at this time - three in one block alone. 
At the borough's September 14 Safety Committee meeting, Code Enforcement Officer Jeff Helm said there are now 25 properties in Columbia on a "blighted" list. 
There will be an "information only" meeting regarding the "Land Bank" on September 26, at 6 p.m.
This meeting immediately follows the public meeting for interviews for market manager at 5 p.m.


  1. There are 25 blighted properties identified and our so called leaders are spending time on hydrophonics for the market house. Some leadership! They want grant money for hydrophonics. Grant money comes from taxpayers, it is not free.

    Maybe some non taxpayers living in the blighted properties will patronize the new scheme for the Market. It is the newest rage in California.

  2. We need to market these properties to investors from out of town. Look what the Brew Pub people from Ephrata did with the telephone building ! The local investors are moving too slow. Someone needs to develop a Boutique Hotel so that Columbia can get into the top 10 places to visit next time around !!

  3. Maybe someone should check to see who these so called 'blighted' properties belong to. Let's make sure none belong of these properties belong to any of the so called code officers of the Boro. And to see if someone from out of town will buy these properties, save your breath, we have enough slum lords that don't take care of their properties or care who they rent to. Be careful what you all wish for in this town!

  4. A Botique hotel? Great idea.....The coffee council would have a new place to meet.

  5. Not all grant money is from tax payers. Industries also provide grant money for research.This project could be one of these. Just look at the grants public television receives.

  6. Look at your freaking Town!
    It's going down the tube!
    Welfare Reform, Get on the SLUMLORDS for letting this continue. Find grant money for honest homeowners and send the abusers packing!

  7. then who will the new lords of the slum be if the slum lords leave ? most of our slum lords bought properties long after the slum was already here. Getting rid of slum lords won't make the slum move out. some cities have had to take bulldozers and wipe out entire city blocks to make way for new construction and working class housing. that's a thought . how else will we ever get higher income people to live in between run down shacks and shanneys that were allowed to be converted to over crowded apartments decades ago . getting rid of slum lords will not raise the quality of living here, it's way too late

    1. how else will we ever get higher income people to live in columbia? news flash...higher income people do not send their children to failing schools or pay outrageously high taxes for no return.

  8. Then bring on the bulldozers,

  9. darn right ! do it Leo !!, start by leveling one or two of the worse blocks. Tell Lancaster County that this is the ruins of decades of dumping low income social programs on Columbia and they better help pay to cost to clean the up the mess !!


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