Saturday, July 16, 2016

No mention of Director job on ELANCO agenda

Shown above is the agenda for ELANCO's upcoming board meeting this Monday night. Go HERE to link to the agenda on their website.

The agenda for the upcoming Eastern Lancaster County School Board of Directors Meeting for July 18, 2016 makes no mention of a Director of District Operations position. The position is part of a deal recently approved by ELANCO and the Columbia Borough School Board. The job posting stated a deadline of "June 30, 2016 or until successful candidate is selected."

According to LNP, Columbia School Board President Tom Strickler stated his intention to apply for the position and has recused himself when the job was discussed at meetings. 

Since Strickler's resignation includes an effective date of July 18, 2016 at 11:59 p.m., it has been widely speculated that July 18 would be ELANCO's decision date to appoint a candidate to the position. In theory at least, if Strickler were denied the position, he would still have time to rescind his resignation from the Columbia board.

An informed source tells Columbia Spy that ELANCO could hold an executive session before its regular board meeting in which the position and candidate(s) could be added to the agenda.  The board could then vote on an appointment on Monday night.



  1. We do not.need that position Columbia does not have the money to pay we.are save money not spend money not have

  2. you and the rest of these so called "columbia proud" are clue less, this "strickler" canadite has gone above and beyond for this school district fot the past 15 years and it sucks that there are people like you that are so blind to that. Strickler deserves this job and and there's is no better canadite. I see plenty of moans and groans on social media of what this school district can and cant do from the peanut gallery and it's getting old. if you can name one other person who's devoted the last 15 years of their life to this school district and the children with in, im all ears, otherwise let's start giving our gratitude as a town, and start standing behind the people who actually care about our students and don't just bash everything this school district does while the parents of these students sit behind their phone's and disgrace the "Columbia proud" name without a hint of common sense.

    1. The town of Columbia could be proud of it didn't have this school district & it's extremely high taxes.

  3. So you are saying that Tom Strickler is from "Canada"? The Superintendent sharing concept is to save money for both school districts, NOT solicit a Director of Operations.

    Just when you thought the Columbia Borough Council were doing back door deals in the last several years, here comes the Columbia School Board doing the same. There is NO Columbia Pride anymore, it is "Columbia Tried, and Failed". This is due to the non-professional people who have no experience being on either Borough Council or School Board.

    When Columbia turned its head on third and fourth generation families, they decided to move out of Columbia to better their children's education and taxes. When you look how long it takes to sell a home in Columbia, it takes a quarter of the time to sell somewhere else. The downfall has been under the leadership of none other then Tom Strickler..... AKA Columbia Proud

  4. Think that went way over anonymous two's head. Good one, though.

    To think that anonymous two thinks so highly of the "canadite Strickler" for the position speaks, no - shouts, volumes.

    1. "Canadite" was used twice. Hope anonymous two didn't go to Columbia Schools. It is funny though:)

  5. I am not surprised by any of this. Stickler is not good for the district. He attempted this in the past and was denied. If this happens no teacher will want to remain in Columbia. The union should file a grievance that such a position has been created. Now a man who said he would take the position for 50k will get the job at 85 to 100k. No teaching background just a board member. Must be nice to create your own job. The school, students, parents, teachers, and administrators deserve better than this con. Why not post the position?

  6. I agree. The position should be posted.What are the qualifications for this job and background needed. It should be let known how many if any but Stickler applied for job. This whole issue smells rotten.

  7. Totally agree. Amazing!!! Watch out Columbia School District.....Mr. Strickler putting in too many years as the president of the school board does not quality him for this position, nor does the school district need it. For one, what a pathetic resume, mostly a representation of jobs being unsuccessful. If Mr. Strickler wanted to make a difference in children's lives he could have furthered his education and obtained a teaching degree from a highly rated institution. His wife could have helped see him through, a Columbia School District teacher.

    No, he is on the school board to only be president, who thinks he can run things his way. You think it was a coincident that Mr. Knighton became president instead of VP, Ms. Hohenadel? (what an embarrassment) and that Mr. Combs suddenly wanted back on the school board after resigning before? and then there is Mr. Lutz, lived in Camphill a half a year prior to becoming a board member in January (one year of residency qualifies you for board position)
    Everything seems to be put in place so that Mr. Stricker lines up all his ducks(board members) in a row, so yes, this time, he has a shot at the position!! Yes, Mr. Strickler knows he and Dr, Klawitter created this position and knew he was going for the position... what ethical quandaries! Maybe he should have resigned months ago. Wake up Columbia! Happy last day on the board Mr. Strickler!! Most of you, the public, know it's true....speak up.

  8. I am so thankful that the dept. of ed. is getting involved!

    1. Yes I heard this as well that they were aware and are investigating. Whatever happened to "Columbia Proud"? This is about the dirtiest I have seen and doesn't make me feel proud to live here.

  9. Someone needs to be involved so COLUMBIA CAN EVOLVE.
    We overwhelmed with taxes, crime, and we need to get a grip on 5 he abusers of the welfare system, yes this goes out to,,,, the food stamp sellers, drug users, absent parents and the list goes on. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!!!!


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