Friday, July 8, 2016

Draft Agenda for July 11, 2016 Columbia Borough Council Meeting


  1. Wow, this is great to see all these candidates for the empty two Councilor seats. Now can we guess which candidates that were hand picked? How can we stack the deck and spend the LASA money for the betterment of ME! The current Borough Council are voting on spending our taxpayers money on fancy tree guards and laptops (do we all remember “Stubby” Myers computer scandal) to make them look professional. Is there a way I can get a new laptop, mine is getting pretty old? Does anyone care about our business structure downtown, children’s playgrounds, poor roads, Section 8 housing, non profits,high sewer and water bills, school taxes and the elderly. Oh, I am sorry for bothering you with these very small problems we have in Columbia, Pennsylvania. Like mentioned above, come Monday night the hand picked will be seated as Councilors and the most experienced will be let go. Tide Pride!

    1. So if you feel it is obvious as to who will be picked, why don't you name the two?

    2. I say take bets, taxpayers can use the money!

    3. My money is on Fitzgerald and Cooper.

    4. The water company is privately owned I believe. Council has no control over them.

  2. Can I take a guess? Jeanne Cooper (Columbia Market House Trust Director) and Fran Fitzgerald (Columbia Market House Trust Director Roche Fitzgerald's wife).

    What do I win? I hope it is higher taxes, more slumlords and art galleries that will make me feel good.

  3. Tide pride is right they will be council members it is cut and dried things go on at private meetings that should not go.on

  4. Yes I agree who the next two new council members will be.we don't pick people who can do the best job or really care about this town and the people in it but will vote the way some of the other council members want them to that is not do it I hope I am wrong and the people who are.picked will be there for the town and people and.not.what they for there seleves choose wisely for Columbia

  5. wow. really? how dare you ignorant people talk s--- about people willing to put in all the heartache, time, and bs to try to better this boro! IF you feel that way, you would have run! stop making excuses. stop labeling someone before you even know them or anything about them. we need change...all around. and maybe these 2 can and will start bringing that change about! good luck. and i hope you listen to the taxpaying homeowner residents.

    1. True meaning of the L.A.S.A. in Columbia.

      1) Let Art Save All
      2) Lower All Standards Around
      3) Local Area Spending Authority

      When this money runs out, the eight year run of no tax increases will end.

    2. Yeah, we need change. But we will continue to prop up that joke of a market house.

      So where is this change?

      PS. How dare we talk s---? Sorry, didn't know there was a ban on free thought in this town. But the way it is going - I wouldn't be surprised.

    3. Wait until the proposals come in for the market house. There will be some outstanding presentations and the Create Columbia regime will put past market house manager Beth Troxell back in. Then the large investment will happen to assure funding of what the Trust(less) could not accomplish.

    4. Sounds like we have a Trust Director responding because they hate criticism.

    5. I hope it isn't a trust director. Insulting potential customers is probably not what the stand holders would prefer. If it is a trust director, then the market will continue to be doomed. Can't run a business that way.

  6. Why would they switch from LNP to CPBJ when the results were so in favor of LNP? Am I missing something?

  7. WOW!
    Speculate, Whine, Speculate... How's about coming to the table with solutions instead of gripes and speculations! Been to a few Council Meetings myself and there is a lot of open seats for the public to come and sit in... Come to meetings, sign the book to speak and get heard. Change can only happen if it is first addressed. Then there has to be follow through by "ALL".
    As for who will be picked for positions on Council, those predicted the two "lock ins" you were only 1/2 right so there is no shoe in on positions. You have to apply and give your best to get on not come off 1/2 cocked as most do on this blog about things...
    As for "YOUR" Historic Columbia Market House, The market is growing if you didn't know and most of you don't because you don't come in and support it. With more traffic attracts more stand holders, the more stand holders there is the more and variety of products are offered... So if Market fails is not because of a select few it's because of everyone not doing there part. I shop there every week as do so many others do...
    So you want change? Don't wait for someone to do it for you... Get up and start applying the creative juice to make the town as a whole much, much better!
    My $0.02 a Columbia Transplant Taxpayer

    1. Uh-huh. We (Columbia taxpayers that have been here a while) have heard this same spiel over and over again. Going on 10 years maybe? If the market house was growing as its proponents say it is, then it would take up all of downtown and then some.

      The Market House is a failure. There is no support for it. The downtown is dead (like most post-industrial towns). All the commenting on blogs is not going to change that. I would rather see the building adaptively reused for a place to park the police vehicles. Then it would at least have a real purpose.

  8. The Market House belongs to the people, it's HISTORY and I'd rather a few tax dollars go to that than many other things they are wasted on.


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