Monday, July 11, 2016

Borough council appoints Novak and FitzGerald

Mayor Leo Lutz swears in new councillor Fran FitzGerald at Monday's meeting.

Columbia Borough Council voted Monday night to appoint John Novak and Fran FitzGerald to council to fill seats recently vacated by Barry Ford and Mary Barninger. Other candidates who applied for the position were Frank Doutrich, Jeanne M. Cooper, Joseph H. Nikolaus, and Alan Barninger. Candidate Michelle McFarland was not present. John Novak was unable to attend the meeting and was interviewed via phone after listening to the interviews. He was sworn in by Mayor Leo Lutz via phone.

Ford resigned due to health issues. His resignation was effective May 31, 2016. Barninger resigned due to employment obligations. Her resignation was effective June 30, 2016.


  1. This woman told council during her interview that she has no civic experience and yet she was selected over others that had the experience.
    One would think she would begin on a committee rather than council.

    1. Why would you want Councilors with a fiscally responsible background.
      When all the art galleries move into Columbia, this will bring millions to Columbia.
      I have a great question for the Councilors.
      Why was the Susquehanna Center of Creative Arts recieving funds from the Borough when they are NOT a 501(C)3?
      As a taxpayer of Columbia, this money could have helped the starving child, not a starving artist.

  2. Fran and John, thanks for your decision to serve the community. Keep open ears and eyes to the community and use your best judgement in your votes. Not every decision will be liked, but at least you stepped forward to serve. I wish you good luck in your service.

  3. Congratulations! So exciting to start this new chapter with fresh new people!Must say it was so awesome that so many stepped up to the plate this time! Things are changing Columbia is moving up! Loving all the arts centers! We're getting a new eatery at 15th & Lancaster Avenue! The antique shops are a big draw too! Welcome and good luck!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Good luck and God Bless. Say what you want about no experience, Fran was a public school teacher for years and a business owner in the town!!! Thanks to both of you for your willing service!!!

  5. Good Luck Columbia. I pray these two will listen to residents when they speak. I've grown hoarse over the years but am still hete.

  6. You repeated it like it was a bad thing that someone was honest in their disclosure of experience. It's a concept called "truth". Makes for a wonderful start!

    1. Not aimed at her honesty. It is aimed at councils willingness to select someone with admittedly no experience over the applicants with experience. Picking the experienced is a concept called "common sense."

  7. I was in the gallery for the interviews and thought that Mr. Barninger, Mr. Nikolaus and Mr. Novak gave the best interviews. They need to change this format to a citizen or delegate election process. Mrs. Welsh seemed to quick for her second, before Mr. Murphy could say "do I have a second'. As a citizen for many years, it came across that it was a fixed vote. I wish the new Councilors the best, and hope Columbia as a whole will benefit.

    1. Absolutely 100% agree! President Murphy didn't get a chance to ask if there was a "second" before councilwoman Welsh belted out her response.
      Disturbingly obvious.

  8. Watching Mr Murphy and the other council members I also feel something was not right!
    No offense to the two winners, I am not thrilled with the President of council and a few others. Perhaps new blood will mean change.
    Best Wishes

  9. Wait til you see which "friend" they choose as the new Market Manager.

    1. Totally cornered. People keep saying if you don't like things then run for a position or do something to change it. We cannot get on council, there are only seven seats which are taken. Most committees are filled. Attending the meetings may or may not help. What's left for us other than to hand over part of our paycheck to the group of seven to spend. Oh yes, we can complain. IT IS OUR MONEY we need some say in how it is spent!

  10. Who is choosing this new director I want to know?
    Are applications being accepted?
    All of Columbia needs to know these answers, stop the pick and choose bullshit in this town!

  11. Anyone with whines about the employees of codes, get your facts straight. It's under staffed!
    8:30 pm Thursday evening, I personally witness Jeff Helm still at work!
    Codes work, they need help and lol interacting with the CPD is a joke.

  12. maybe he had a board meeting! or maybe because he's never in the office during the office hours and he doesn't have voicemail!?!?!?!?!?! this is 2016. Really? and he rarely calls you back you have to call in 10 times to get his attention. just what does he do with his time?

  13. He was working! Has e mail! And try his secretary,,, she is awesome!!!!!

    1. This could only be a boro employee answering like this. Actions speak louder than words, & with the condition of alot of the properties in this town & the obvious code violations everywhere, how can you defend him.

  14. Easy,,, I seen him and spoke with the Home Owner.
    How can you put blame when your narrow minded

  15. No employee here, I know what I seen.

  16. Again,, good job Jeff Helm on Thursday August 28th. You've save a foreclosed house from more vandalism by getting it locked down!!


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