Friday, July 22, 2016

Ashley Curry guilty on all counts

                                Ashley Curry

Aggravated assault, simple assault, ethnic intimidation: one felony, two misdemeanors.

Ashley Curry, 33, has been found guilty on all three counts in the February 3, 2015 shooting of Jamie Roland. The verdict was announced in a Lancaster County courtroom this afternoon.

The incident occurred in the Columbia Plaza parking lot in which Roland was injured in the abdomen and leg by a single shot from Curry's .40 caliber Smith & Wesson semiautomatic. Curry maintains that she shot in self-defense when Roland charged at her.

The trial began with jury selection on Monday, July 18.

The court heard testimony from several witnesses, and a video filmed by Columbia Spy was shown several times in court for the jury.

Defense attorney Samuel Stretton told jurors that neither Roland or her sister Crystal Manfred, who was also at the shooting scene, ever gave statements to police.

Stephen Smith, Curry's boyfriend, testified Wednesday that Alicia Glenn-McGowin was an aggressor that day and that she was blowing her vehicle horn and tailgating, after which the incident quickly escalated in the plaza parking lot.

After two-and-half days of testimony from various parties, the jury began deliberations about 3 p.m. Thursday, returning to the courtroom at 4:20 with several questions. The foreperson asked if they could see the video again and have the statement by Columbia Borough Police Sergeant Samuel Stein, who was one of several police officers at the scene. The judge denied both requests. When she asked if the judge could read Stein's statement, he refused and told them to rely on their notes. She also asked for the definition of ethnic intimidation and requested evidence photographs, and the judge complied by reading the definition and allowing some photographs.

After the verdict was read, Stretton polled members of the jury individually. First Assistant District Attorney Christopher P. Larsen, who prosecuted the case, then asked that bail be increased to $500,000 cash. (Curry was previously free on $100,000 bail.) Stretton asked that the bail either not be increased or at least not be increased as much.  Judge Merill M. Spahn, Jr. granted the increase, citing the seriousness of the charges.

Judge Spahn reportedly disallowed Pennsylvania's "Stand Your Ground" law in the case.

According to Stretton, Larsen is the presumptive heir to District Attorney Craig W. Stedman's position when Stedman retires next year.

Columbia Borough Police Detective Matthew Leddy filed the charges.



  1. So the bad girls are free and the person defending herself is locked up. Bass akwards

    1. The bad girl, as you refer to her had a permit to carry the gun legally.

  2. Really you feel the bad ones got away? She was standing by her vehicle gotten in and this would have never happened. Her so called BF should have charges bought against him too. I guess I didn't read the same articles you did, And do you personally know any of these people involved? I do, so I will let assume you think you know who it is. That is what is great about living in the USA you can voice your thoughts and I can voice mine. Have a wonderful weekend and stay cool

    1. There's much more to the story, which we'll be reporting on shortly.

    2. Read her rants on any Topix forum...Lancaster, Harrisburg, Columbia. .she goes by Lady and she is not the all innocent she portrays...nice to see how she has you fooled

  3. I mean, bass ackwards.

  4. Wow! Our system is junk. What is wrong with people when it's ok for them to act like animals and not ok to defend yourself? Unreal....

    1. You may defend yourself, but be politically correct in doing so.
      Watch your mouth, not your gun.

    2. So it seems, which creates First AND Second Amendment concerns, as well as questions about the validity of "Stand Your Ground."

  5. Umm did you even read what happened and how ASHLEY was acting like an animal? She did not have to pull over or engage in any altercation. She could have called police from her vehicle, or simply kept driving and minding her business. She is guilty and convicted as she should be.

    1. The mainstream press rushed to judgment and reported only part of the story. We're currently gathering further information, which will be presented in the near future.

    2. No need to read, I was there. I saw who acted crazy and at that time, it was not Ashley. Cannot speak to what I did not see. I read through transcripts, which are obviously detailed, not an outline summary like you see in the paper.

  6. If she would shoot one of you that commented above I bet your reaction would be different. Just saying!

    1. I would not be tailgating and instigating a fight to start with.

  7. Since when is it okay to shoot someone in broad daylight for tailgating you? Christ if that's okay nowadays, a lot of people should be shot. You don't pull a gun on someone for arguing with you, being a complete douchebag or honking their horn at you. If any of that is okay, then all retail workers should be armed and able to shoot all the dick head customers they deal with. Get over it people.

    1. A lot more. People are satisfied with the paragraph or two that they read in the paper. The TV report last year was wrong, yet they report it and leave it as fact! People do not care to hear all of the details because they might have to think. Ashley made a lot of poor decisions that afternoon, but defending herself may not have been one of them.

  8. To anonymous on July 22, I agree Curry had no right to shoot. Like I said earlier she should have just gotten in the vehicle. And to the person who was there and said "Ashley was not acting crazy" You were there, why did you not go to her lawyer and speak on her defense? Do you really know "Ashley" or do you just want 15 mins? The jury decided, the judge will sentence. Lawyer will appeal. But it is just facts that curry was wrong. Have a wonderful day.

    1. I did testify under oath, for the defense. No, I did not know her before this incident occurred. I read through piles of police reports and legal actions over the past months. This was the first time I ever received a subpoena. I always believed in the "system" but not anymore. Yes, I did speak with her attorney and was not impressed with his preparation for trial. Is there anything else you want to know?

  9. It is ok for the system to railroad people. Until it's you ! Maybe miss curry would be guilty if the facts were presented truthfully. The was no truth to this.story what so ever. Transcripts don't lie . Good luck miss curry the truth will set you free!

  10. Tell them like it is SHARON! Glad to see your awesome articles in print now. Stay focused, strong, honest and young!

  11. Please understand that I'm not disputing the facts, she did use inappropriate language and criminal actions. I agree that there needs to be some disciplinary steps taken, but not what has and will be done. Justice is not fair and balanced. I am looking into every piece of this and hope to put into words the parts the public did not see. The public pays for this system of justice and has a right to know what is really going on.

  12. Our courts need to be investigated to the core. Miss currys trial was a reminder of how corrupt our justice system is. Most people believe what the media puts out there. It's time for the people to wake up and take action ... One day it might be you in this situation.

    1. Exactly, you may find out that it's not what you have always been led to believe.

  13. Does anyone remember when Leroy black was ill and down on his luck. Thru the church at the time it was Ashley curry that raised money to help him pay for medications and what not. Miss curry has done a lot for our community over the years. Not a racist bone in her body. A nasty person spit in her mouth and she said some nasty stuff . There is so much more to this story that is being covered up. Ashley curry is an outstanding and wonderful young lady . She may have made some bad decisions but defending herself is not one of them. The women who attacked her have rap sheets a mile long for doing this kind of stuff . UJS DOES NOT LIE . look it up yourself.

  14. I too was one of the people that saw this occurrence as it was happening and I can tell you that Ashley had already pulled in the shopping Center- I think to get away from her pursuers- and then they pulled in at another spot and swooped over to her vehicle cursing and screaming all the way and tried to get her out of the car-what would you do? There were at least three of them and in my opinion she was scared and afraid and did what she did to defend herself- she is a good shot and could have done a lot worse. I too was summoned as I had given a statement to the police-who never did a forensic exam or anything else much.

    1. True and thanks much awgeedawggy for your comment. Two guns were in her vehicle and neither was tested, so I suppose they just took her word for it?

  15. So many people saw this unfold. How come none of them were at the trial to defend miss curry. Why is it the few who did show were not allowed on the stand to tell what they saw.

  16. Who is comfortable with the fact that our police department officers all lied shamelessly on the stand in this trial and were cought in their lies . Officer Sam Stine being the only truthfull officer in the bunch . Don't get me wrong these guys are all great guys and do so much for our community but why ? Or for who? Would they go so far to cater to 3 thugs. I was at the entire trial . Saw it all . Curry got railroaded to say the least.

  17. There were inaccuracies in some of the testimonies. We're currently trying to get the transcripts of the trial. We have the original statements.

  18. Seems to me the DA painted a picture that he wanted the jury to see . Not allowing anything to support currys defense . This was self defense all day long . People are saying curry could have done this or that but the reality is she did what she as a legal gun owner whith a valid CCP was allowed to do under the circumstances . This is a slap in the face to every legal gun owner in the state. Ethnic intimidation what a joke . It was a random incedent . She did not know any of these people before that day. I find it interesting the verdict comes down the pike the same day as the national BLM. Protest day. This was a political move on the part of Lancaster county it would seem. Miss curry was done dirty on all fronts. To think that a court can determine what defense your lawyer can use is ludicrous . To think that a court can pick and choose what evidence is relavant and what is not is even more disturbing . Reasonable doubt ? A lot of testimony was leading to nothing but doubt as to how this event unfolded. People are real quick to sweep things under the rug and forget about it. So many people are done wrong by this system . People always say it will never happen to me. Beware it can and does happen all the time . It is time for total reform and investigation of the Lancaster co. Court system .

  19. I beleive Stein did tell the truth,, as for the other officers who lie and do their own judging,,, KARMA.
    And they have to live with it now.

  20. This was surely a political move by Lancaster co. On a national black lives matter protest day . Maybe the DA will sleep better knowing even though he he screwed curry over no one will be protesting at his house or's a reality unfortunately . What's this about the bail being raised to half a million cash . Curry was out on bail for the last 18 months without incident . This is the same guy who lied to have her bail raised the first time around tellin judge Herman that curry had a non valid CCP and get this 7 outstanding warrants for drug trafficking in the state of Georgia . When this did not work with Herman the da went in front of another judge to do the same with out curry or her lawyer being present for the hearing. It's in the transcripts . It is fact . If this is the way the system is being run and people are ok with it we really need take a step back and reevaluate the whole process . Curry had a valid CCP AND A LEGAL GUN thus no gun charges . Curry has never been to Georgia so I guess that's out too. Amazing how far a person will go to do someone dirty . For what ? To protect thugs that were on probation when they attacked curry . Also fact ! And on drugs with paraphernalia . Also fact. Plenty of documents to back these statements up . Public information . So when your wife or daughter is hemmed up for something they did not do . Do not cry about how unfair the system is when no one ever wants to stand up to the corruption that goes on in our county.....

  21. Police officers are sworn to serve and protect the community . Lying in a court of law should be a serious offense . I don't see these officers doin this on their own . They were told what to do and say by others I would think . Very sad .

  22. I have been looking up the women in this incedent the past few days . Miss curry nothing worth mention . The lady's who allegedly attacked her have records so long I have run out of paper to print . Records under many phony names , alias , aka, to many to mention right now . Public information .... All kinds of theft issues . That means they are not credible in a courtroom . And yes Roland and manfred were on probation when this event went down. Instant PV!!!! WTF. The medical staff at the hospital found cocain and meth in Roland's system and a crack stem or pipe on her person . Taken by Columbia as evidence!!! WTF.!!! PV ! WTF ! A probation violation would get anybody else hemmed up . Oh wait then there would be no case against curry .


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