Wednesday, June 1, 2016

UPDATE: 509 Locust Street - Who's responsible?

High grass and weeds at 509 Locust Street were cut today.

Yesterday, Columbia Spy posted reader-submitted photos of the property at 509 Locust Street showing high grass and weeds - possible code violations. Today, that situation has been rectified; as can be seen in the photo above, the grass and weeds have been cut. Our previous article may have implied that responsibility for maintenance of the property lies with the borough. To set the record straight, we are posting the following additional information:

According to Borough Manager Greg Sahd, Borough Council approved the Agreement/Addendum for the sale of Real Estate between Columbia Borough and the Columbia Economic Development Corp., CEDC, for 509 Locust Street. As of May 13, 2016, CEDC is responsible for the marketing and eventual sale (with Borough approval) of this property to a third party purchaser by January 1, 2017. Further, item number 8 of the Addendum reads, “CEDC agrees that it is purchasing the Property “as is” and that the Borough of Columbia shall have no obligation to correct any code violations or perform any maintenance of the Property.” [italics ours]

Sahd expects the property to soon be in presentable form, both for the public and for prospective buyers, sometime in the coming months.

The sale agreement and addendum are presented HERE, though the reader may have difficulty wading through the incomprehensible and interminable legalese.


  1. Glad it's taken care of and thanks to the person that did the work. I wonder if it was actually mowed. As tall as it was, it needed a tractor to cut and bale. It did not grow to that height overnight.

  2. Thanks!!....To the Columbia Spy for bringing this to light. You provide a great service.....

  3. Borough Workers did the work.

    1. Thanks to those workers, did the CEDC pay them?

  4. Does anyone know what is going on with the building at 2nd and Locust.(old chip factory. See they are doing some masonry work.

  5. The garage door was falling off and needed to be taken out. I have a photo from around 1950's that had only windows in the front with no door. So the brickwork is correct for that period.Now he needs the same style window to install.

  6. This is a VERY good way to laundry money thru the so so people in the click!! I see this must be looked into!!

  7. If the boro is not responsible to do cut the grass and weeds why did they cut it.
    Again the CEDC not doing there JOB. Maybe the boro should send them a bill.

  8. Ok, after 5 hours, dealing with the GHETTO Renters, and Columbia Police,
    It's time to drug test all RENTERS IN THE BORO!!!
    WHAT A BATTLE, get legally medicated or get a job!
    Enough is Enough

    1. That's fine, but how do you get around the 4th amendment issues? Also, who pays for the drug testing (they aren't cheap).

      Easy to to talk about the WHAT, but nobody ever sticks around to discuss the HOW.

  9. taking bets on the next time the grass and weeds will be mowed at the property at 509 Locust Street..... odds ?

  10. Lord above,,, Negative nellies.

  11. Well let the landlord or tenant pay..
    Fourth Amendment, how about all the other Amendments that are honestly violated everyday.
    If drug testing is such a violation the routine inspections need to be enforced.
    Something needs to be done with these problem properties in our town.

    1. So because some amendments are violated, you want them all violated? Seems very un-american. And you want people to pay for the privilege of having their constitutional rights violated?

      Do a little research into Rick Scott's mess in Florida on the subject.

      Yes, something needs to be done with the problem properties - but WHAT?

  12. every single individual that accepts any and all free welfare, food stamps, section 8, medical insurance, free dental, etc. SHOULD BE DRUG TESTED AT LEAST ONCE A MONTH. THEY COLLECT THE MONEY, DO THE TEST. Every single red blooded American MUST be drug tested at work in order to pay for all the free servcies received.

    1. Amendment IV

      The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

  13. i have to be subject to drug testing to support ALL these ppl who don't work. That's why. Take the cost OFF their check.

    if there are THAT many issues with these low life tenants. WHY isn't the Police Dept doing the REQUIRED 3 strikes your out.....the disruptive conduct???

  14. Let the testing begin!!!

    1. Throw that Constitution in the trash! Hell YEAH!

  15. Do what needs to be done, Violators and abusing of the system is taking away from those that need it!
    If your one, be ashamed and fear Karma.


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