Friday, June 24, 2016

Real estate taxes due


  1. Mmmm what to say, out of control, perhaps? Hopefully hard working, law and code abiding Home Owners make it thru another year...
    Something needs to be done and fast!

  2. Raise the tax on income generating properties such as rental units. Slums or not slums, the Homeowner is drowning.

  3. make all the slumlords bring their properties up to code and those that don't (within 3 months) SHUT THEM DOWN,. CONDEMN THEM. then maybe they'll get the message loud and clear that we the taxpaying homeowners who carry this boro on our backs and ALL those who don't work had had enough. we are done. force the schools to consolidate too.

  4. ya many years has it been that the boro was to turn over all food inspections to the state?????????????? MAYBE the time is now past due. the code officer can't perform his job already, take this away from him so he can CONCENTRATE ON ALL THE SLUM RENTAL PROPERTIES INTHE BORO. THAT's what he should be doing. NOT harrassing HOMEOWNERS for grass 6 inches high. not telling homeowners they need to paint the exterior of their properties. because you know we can NOT afford that. What the heck don't you people understand?

  5. Regular inspection of rental units is a must! 24 hour notice is all that should be given. I live beside one that the odor from inside could knock your socks off. Trash on the second floor balcony and thrown on the ground below is full of flies. One unit is a welfare abuser.
    Ridiculous, drunk and drugs done right on the flonet porch.

  6. yes ia gree. i see the same things when i visit in town. it HAS to STOP. call the code dept and the police dept EVERY DAY. that's the ONLY WAY TO GET ANYTHING DONE IN THIS BORO. be a pain intheir butts and never go away!!!!!! it's wrong, but it's the truth.

  7. Sorry but if you do that you become a target.
    The police don't hear when you say ANONYMOUS!
    Change is coming but it's been a long road and to slow for some. Many good people packed up and left.


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