Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Is this property exempt from codes?

Shown above is 509 Locust Street, an "afflicted" property recently obtained by the borough.

A reader sent these two photos (above and below) of the rear of the property, showing several weeks worth of grass and weed growth.

One wonders if this property is exempt from borough codes.


  1. I am sure it is... Shame on the Borough!!! Talk about loopholes and neglect. this backyard in this condition attracts pest like mice, stray cats and mosquitos.

  2. I understand not putting a ton of money in the property, but basic maintenance like lawn mowing and weeding could be done at a minimal cost.

  3. Where is the "quick ticket" here? This is an embarrassment. The codes department has lost all credibility with me.

    1. Exactly right! But have a weed over 12" on your property and be prepared for a letter or ticket.

  4. Gotta' wonder if properties as this one and other vacant, trashed ones (like the one-time jewelry store right across the street from the Borough Hall) are on the considered list of "landbank" properties being considered. According to the Legislative Committee Minutes for 5-11-16, "Council is being encouraged to adopt a Landbank so that it can operate as a pass through for the municipality."

    So who makes out when / if the borough starts buying vacant, trashed properties?

    And who is on the receiving end of the "pass through?" CEDC was on the receiving end of the Hotel Locust / Hotel Columbia. As Dr. Phil says, "How's that working out for you?"

  5. There is no reason a property should look like this in town. How many times were code department there to investigate and what actions taken. Oblivious, none. Maybe an overall of the code department is due since it seems more properties are falling thru the cracks.

  6. how can the Borough cite people for high grass and weeds when they are guilty of the same? Double standard. Take care of it. The Codes Dept should be terminated. It's a joke.

  7. Why is the codes being blamed?
    Elected officials made the decision to own the house, they know what needs to be done. Send an employee to mow and sweep, maintain the property until a solution is found.

  8. Who is the Borough Manager ?

    1. Are you kidding? If you pay taxes, you should already know this.

  9. two wrongs never make a right !! if the borough is wrong, it doesn't make you right !!!

  10. something is VERY wrong in the Codes Dept. Has been. It's the town joke. Fix it. Whatever it's supposed to be, to do, is NOT working.

  11. i agree. don't know WHY Boro COuncil continues year after year to let this joke continue. guess they don't realize it makes them look extremely bad. there's NO leadership, nothing done across the board for EVERYBODY. it's the good ole boys system. it's a J O K E . take a look at the number of properties that SHOULD be condemned. AND the tenants PUT OUT. NOT allowed to live there for months in filth. Enough said. YOU try living beside some of these filthy people who continue to violate numerous codes and they are still living in the property and the landlords have done NOTHING. It doesn't take a brain surgeon to see this.

  12. Yes Council is responsible!!!


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