Friday, May 13, 2016

Coffee and Conversation with Senator Ryan P. Aument

According to the Columbia Borough website, Coffee and Conversation with Senator Ryan P. Aument 36th District will be held May 24, 2016, 9 am to 11 am at Columbia Crossing River Trails Center, 41 Walnut Street, Columbia, PA 17512

Light Refreshments will be available for visitors.


  1. conversation with your coffee-Consolidate the schools. Create a tax for ALL renters. That's why they come to Columbia by the bus loads. They get everything for free. Taxpayers are tired of carrying thousands of others on our backs.

    1. If you think a Republican is going to promote consolidation, you are drinking more than just coffee. No way in hell will they be against local control (in other words: SPORTS!!!).


  2. If it were only that simple.

  3. FMB your very narrow minded in your replies.
    Try giving people a chance.
    What do you drink?

    1. Again with the insults Mr. Gainer? Why is that? Republicans in this state have always favored local control in school districts. Senator Aument is not going to upset that apple cart. Only thing he is pressing for now is that "excellent teacher" bill, which I don't necessarily disagree with on principle - but the application worries me.


  4. Narrow minds irritate me.

    1. Another insult with no substance about the topic. Klytus, I'm bored.


  5. Think outside the box, let your mind open, you won't be bored.


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