Saturday, March 19, 2016

About Town

Pics from around town over the last few weeks:

Cigar store Indian, also known as a racial stereotype. 
(Tollbooth Antiques)

 All trails lead to Bootleg

HEAVY reading. He who can lifteth this tome, needeth not feareth ANY evil.
(Laurel Hill Cemetery)

"Going to the candidates' debate.
Laugh about it, shout about it
When you've got to choose
Every way you look at it you lose."

On the roof of Salsa's

But what does he see?

 "Luke, I am your father."

 The power of the dark side

 Light saber victim?

 The final resting place of Noah's dinghy

Who's Theido?

 Muscular tree - 
It's been working out.

 Street sweeper, old school

Gulls gone wild

Fairchild Republic A-10 Thunderbolt II, aka "Warthog"

 We're told they fly out of Albany, New York, on training missions.
Columbians see them flying over quite a bit.



Line-up at River Park

 Spinning wheel

Another look

 Hoppers near Hinkle's

 "You talkin' to me?"

 Etihad Airlines of United Arab Emirates

 The first week of March saw some warm, sunny days.

And beautiful sunsets

 The water company wants you out of their backyard, also known as the shoreline.

 A dissenter might ask about the public trust doctrine and riparian rights.

 Turkish Airlines

 Red alert: stuck between the lights

                           Seen on North Third

 Recycling bins

 New sign on Locust

 Signs such as this one have cropped up around town recently.

Now why would they target Columbia?

This would be a good name for the shoreline at Columbia River Park.


  1. What a beautiful sunset photo of the bridge. Thanks for sharing.

  2. great pix thanks for sharing! in ref to Columbia Water Co...not sure why they don't put some kind of barrier up to keep people out. like the real big real heavy concrete ones! also, the water co SHOULD fix the road behind it. they really did a number on it. it would only be right and fair.

    1. I think you missed the point of the post with the picture of the no trespassing sign. The water company does not own the shoreline and cannot legally keep people off of it. The sign should be removed.

  3. Stump Ave,, now there is History!
    The shoreline is not owned by any individual, so get over the signs.
    Great pics BTW


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