Sunday, January 10, 2016

The trail is open!

Pedestrians can now walk from Columbia to Marietta via the Northwest Lancaster County River Trail. The local section of the trail, which was previously closed beyond a cul-de-sac under the Wrights Ferry (Route 30) Bridge, was recently opened to Chickies Rock Park and beyond. Brush has been cleared and stone has been laid, creating a comfortable and defined walking path.  In Columbia, the trail can be accessed by crossing Bridge Street and following the walkway along the newly opened Route 441 bypass. Pedestrians crossing Bridge Street should be alert to fast-moving traffic along Route 441. A trail map and guide can be obtained by clicking HERE.

A section of fence has been removed at the former cul-de-sac under the Wrights Ferry Brdige, allowing access to the trail.

 Brush has been cleared on both sides of the trail, and the walkway has been paved with stone.

 Visitors can see the remains of an old coal-fired furnace along the trail.

The trail leads to this man-made tunnel.

 Chickies Rock County Park is on the other side of the tunnel.


  1. This is nice...BUT COLUMBIA BOROUGH paid for just about everything for this trail! Grants and tax money, including the trail building!! Its just to much money for our broke town!!!

    1. Huh ... grants paid for most of the projects you may be referencing. Look here:

  2. Now make the RAILROAD MAINTAIN what is their property.
    The entire stretch running thru Columbia Boro.

  3. Another hidden treasure and is it ever beautiful! Columbia is getting it right, yay!


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