Sunday, January 31, 2016

Thanks Alan!

Seen this morning at Columbia River Park:


  1. Evidently, someone wants a cookie. As part of a community, do it because you are a part of it, not to present as passive-aggressive. Stop bashing the Boro. If you don't like it, leave.

  2. I am soooooooo sick of the mentality " if you don't like it, leave". Give the guy credit, he IS doing something.

  3. People complained about river park being plowed before some borough streets were done. I believe that this sign was placed there to DEFEND the borough workers. They weren't at river park plowing, a private citizen was doing that job. Shut up and go bake the man some cookies, he deserves them, or at least the "dough".

  4. All the money that was put in this river park is really working for our town! LOLOLOL, what a bunch of BULL!!!

    1. YES, as a matter of fact it is. I have been there as a first hand witness to that. Many, many people come there and are anxious to learn about the new trail, the river, and countless numbers are photographing the bridge. If it's bringing this many visitors in January, wait until July!! I have had the pleasure of speaking to a wide variety of visitors and I'm excited about the future of Columbia. The new Columbia Crossing building and the trail are playing a crucial part in that future, as well as the antique shops, market, galleries, breweries.

    2. How much money is this columbia crossing makeing us in this town! I will tell you Sharon, not a dime!!!! How much money is it costing the tax payers in this town Sharon, i will tell you , A BUNCH!!!

    3. If antique shops, galleries, markets, parks, and microbreweries led to success, there wouldn't be a broke town in this country.


    4. Does it count if these visitors are going to Kettle Works, Hinkle's, renting kayaks at riverpark? I have seen several visitors go from the riverpark to each of these places AND spend money. It is, along with the trail and the bypass project, one of the best investments Columbia has made.

    5. Maybe this town is broke because of the school taxes and the police force benefit package. Perhaps FMB has a plan to offset that.

    6. Of course. More antique shops.

    7. Mmmm Perhaps we need more Parking Lots?
      Is it true the fire police station on SOUTH SECOND STREET will be made into a parking lot?
      Let it be known, a small group was interested in purchasing that property!!!!!! Financing does not happen overnight Boro Council.
      Personally I feel there is a hidden agenda,,,, .
      It will be quite interesting to see what the outcome with this property is.
      Yes my group is still moving ahead to secure the financing and yes, Council will be contacted, not the easiest thing to accomplish.

  5. Thanks Alan, did you think that maybe it was not plowed for a reason. The Building is not open, therefore no need to have people driving down by the river. The Boro focused on its residents and getting their streets done.

  6. Is he liable for any damages?

    1. I saw no damage and don't count on the cameras. They couldn't even see who vandalized the letters on the building. Most public parks would try to open road access. Thanks to Alan, several families were able to park at the river and enjoy the view.

  7. How many vehicles were damaged by borough trucks from the snow removal?? And not reported!!

    1. Some of the streets are so narrow and vehicles have been parked in all kinds of "cock-eyed" directions. Maybe next snowstorm the borough should not plow so there's no chance of any damage. There is no easy answer when we are hit with a storm like this one.

    2. Yes it is, for one...if someone from the borough hits a vehicle they shouls report is!!


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