Sunday, January 17, 2016

Police gather follow-up evidence at crime scene

Ronald Lee Sheetz, 41, was arrested Sunday morning at an undisclosed location in Columbia, according to Brett Hambright, spokesman for the Lancaster County District Attorney's Office. Sheetz is charged with the stabbing murder of Michael Oberdorff, Sr. of Columbia.  Columbia Borough Police and other officers gathered follow-up evidence and photographed the crime scene at 322 South Second Street this afternoon. Police had staked out the residence for several days.


  1. Why are they still collecting evidence nearly 48 hours later? Looks like they are at the back of the house.

    1. Further charges pending based on new information?

  2. Based on comments to news reports, I think there is a lot more to this story. So sad.

  3. Why did we pay for a police officer to sit in a car outside of the residence since the incident. Evidence should have been collected at the time of the incident.....these officers need some serious training on how to deal with situations like this. It shouldn't take days to process the crime scene.

    1. From
      "It varies according to the case, but most times we take down the tape when crime scene unit leaves the scene. For outdoor scenes, once we are finished collecting evidence the crime scene tape will be removed. If there is a chance that other items will be needed or the scene will be jeopardized, then the tape can stay up for a while.
      On scenes inside of a residence, we will usually close up the doors once we leave and leave a POLICE sticker on the door. That way we will know if anyone tampered with the door while we were away.
      Alternatively we will have the tape up, and an officer stand by for a while until we are completely finished with the scene.
      Usually we got everything we need first time around but after interviewing suspects and victims friends and families we may find out more information and go back for follow-ups."

    2. To the citizen who made the claim that "these officers need some serious training...": What do you know about this incident that allows you to make that claim? What do you know about the training that these officers have? Better yet, what training do you have in police work or crime scene investigation that makes you some type of authority? Watching Law & Order or CSI doesn't qualify as training. Believe it or not, these officers JUST MAYBE know a little more about this investigation particularly and police work generally than you do. Stop trying to make yourself sound intelligent by trashing our police officers. It's having the opposite effect.

    3. I am not the one that questioned this, but have to say that another person with authority in the borough did make a similar statement. So it's not just average arm chair citizens making judgement, it's those that should be defending them.

    4. I highly doubt that this "authority" you reference has any police training or experience either, so it's most likely a baseless criticism as well.

    5. Exactly my point, but those with authority should be defending their work, not belittling it.

  4. the police are doing THEIR job, clown. you'd scream and holler if they WEREN'T keeping an eye out to catch the person. it really doesn't take brain science to figure that one out.

  5. I'll go on record as saying the police did a good job in apprehending the suspect.

  6. at least they caught the guy that did this he should root in jail til the day he dies

    1. If he's there long enough maybe he will root, but until then let's hope he rots.

    2. There's probably more to the story that hasn't been released to the public yet. They are still there, obviously, to do a thorough investigation. Once they figure out everything, the public will know. Let them do their job and you can keep sitting on your ass talking trash about them. Chances are youre probably one of those people who are on welfare, but yet complain about where tax dollars go.

  7. For all you Police Haters out there the Columbia Policers are well trained and they do an EXCELLENT job, try thanking them once and awhile.

  8. Wonder when the investigation into Miss Allison's involvement will start because it's very clear that if it hasn't it definately should.

  9. This is the first time in a LONG time that the Columbia police actually did do their job

  10. Maybe all the police haters should apply next time their hiring. To hear all of you they don't do anything so must be a real easy job!!! Good luck in advance with your new career.

  11. Our police department does try. I'll be the first to admit that.
    Are there problems within the department and the way complaints are handled,,, yes.
    This property on Perry Street has been notorious as a flop house for a long time.
    What's done is done, there is a lesson for all, police, residents and especially our elected and paid officials.
    When you hit a wall trying to make a change,, CLIMB OVER THE WALL.


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