Monday, January 18, 2016

Murder suspect - 7 roommates and one bathroom?

Ronald L. Sheetz

Columbia Borough Police apprehended murder suspect Ronald L. Sheetz Sunday morning and deserve the thanks of the community for a job well done. 

However, several facts stand out about the state of Sheetz's living conditions at 226 Lawrence Street. According to this LNP article, Sheetz lived at this address with seven other people. And according to information found at and the Lancaster County Assessment Office, the residence has three bedrooms and one bathroom.  FOR EIGHT PEOPLE.

At this point, it's unclear whether or not the residence is owned and occupied by members of one family or is a rental property that was occupied by eight unrelated residents.

Columbia Spy was recently told by a borough official that rental units may not have more than three unrelated occupants, according to borough ordinance. 

The Spy will post further information as it is obtained.


 From the Lancaster County Property Assessment Office


  1. Property is owned by a Curtis Faus. Was a recent rental property till last year. He lets anyone and everyone live there at a cost

  2. Maybe a little excessive but better then having more homeless people. Plus only 7 there now.

    1. Surprise!!! Is this house a homeless shelter?? Eight people?? Philadelphia police are currently searching for a homeless man that shot and killed a shelter worker. Don't forget the man that stabbed another in the neck while in line for a free breakfast in Lancaster. There are a lot of unbalanced people out there. Eight people in one house IS NOT GOOD.

  3. I don't want to see anyone being homeless, but there are shelters in town.

  4. Section 8 building 2 bedrooms 10 people on locust st.!!!!

  5. They are all not related as Tiffany is stating Curt is not married to her mom and she is not married to her boyfriend plus there is,a guy that lives in the basement...also it is a 3 bdrm but the one bdrm is like an 8x8 and u have to walk thru a bedrm to get to that bdrm..226 is basically a flop house at least 5 of the people that live there get foodstamps...come on Columbia houses like that are the reason things like this happen

  6. My hope is that this is a legitimate rental property, but if it isn't, how many more like this are in Columbia? Are all residents being noted on rental agreements and/or census forms?

    1. Not a rental is owned by Curtis Faus

  7. Houses like this exist all over town, I have one two doors down from my home. This "flop house" has new squatters in it weekly,two new tenants appeared this weekend. and yes I have reported it numerous times. I was told that it is being watched and that there is known drug activity occurring in the property, I wonder how long the boro will "watch it" before this "Love Shack" expoldes into something more serious than the frequent medic calls for drug overdoses,police response for domestic disturbances, disturbing the peace, people sleeping in the stairway or front yard, serving outstanding warrants, abandon vehicles, and various other violations. 3 strikes and your out.....has it ever beeen enforced? Again we were told that it is "basically unenforceable" well than make a ordinance that can be enforced, I know your busy we all are busy at our jobs too and would like a little peace and quiet when we get home.

    1. According to Facebook chatter, we should "mind our own". These matters are best left to those with the power to correct it. I say this sarcastically for those that do not understand that.

  8. unfortunately, this is common and making a huge comeback these past 5 years or so. that's how many many other cultures always live. because of finances, they have 3 generations living together under one roof. i agree it's not one can see all 24/7 as there is usually a large age difference between all....from babies to Grandparents. however, if neighbors, etc DON"T call to report it, how in the world would anyone know??? as long as the landlords are getting their rent money, they generally don't care. sad. true.

    1. Yes, that's why we cannot ignore situations like this. Reporting this to the code department is everyone's responsibility, please don't "mind your own", get involved in your community. Had someone reported this rental, maybe Mr. Oberdorff would still be alive today.

    2. Section 8's land lords are making big bucks!! Their names should be PUBLISHED!! As well as all rented properties!!! Lets do this! Lets do this!!!!!!

  9. Keep reporting!!!!
    At all costs,,,,.
    And yes it will cost the informants in the long run..
    Lol I should know but refuse to give up.
    A resident admitted in a court of law today how she has guarded her friends for over a Year And A Half...
    Now that sounds like stalking or bored to death.

  10. No it sound like someone care about there friend and neighbor


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