Friday, January 22, 2016

Double-parking - Things can only get worse

Unfortunately, double parking has become a Columbia tradition. Quite often, drivers too lazy to park properly simply park in the street, blocking traffic and creating dangerous conditions. As shown above, the situation on the 200 block of Walnut Street was especially challenging yesterday. The driver of an SUV (center) had to wend his way through a veritable maze of vehicles - three cars and a truck - that were double-parked. One can only imagine how bad conditions will get when the impending snowstorm hits the area this weekend.


  1. the meter people should be ticketing these lazy people.

  2. Trouble is they are gone before the meter people see them. I parked at the post office the other day the last space of three there. I put my quarter in and a woman pulled up behind my car into an area that is not a space, nearly blocking the driveway of the post office. She got out with a young child and did not have to put a quarter in because there's no meter, it's NOT a parking space!!!! I had difficulty getting my car out because she was so close.

  3. Double parking is legal, sadly!

  4. First of all, there are no meters on Walnut Street. Second, this isn't necessarily laziness... kids have sports practice at the Armory where there is 0 available parking. I know I'll be damned if I'm gonna park 4 blocks away and walk in the dark, in January to pick my kid up from practice.

  5. If it is legal then it is only in Columbia. According to most driver education mannuals, it is illegal because it obstructs the flow of traffic and makes it difficult to see around them. When going around them, you are in the wrong lane of travel.


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