Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Market House to open on Sundays starting Nov. 1


  1. I hope I'm wrong but is another day really needed? I think if anything less days would be better. Need more vendors and more customers not more days. Market should be one day a week two at most.

  2. I think Sunday is a good idea, out of town-ers are here to visit antique shops and may stop by out of curiosity.

  3. I've heard that the plan is for different vendors other than those already in the market will be there on Sundays. If it helps attract a few new vendors who are coming on Sundays, then it is worth a try.

  4. how in the heck can they afford to pay the utilities to open the market house for 4 days a week...with what 3 vendors and almost no traffic???? another blatant reason why the boro is insane for signing another year contract with these nuts. they are dreaming.

  5. Why would you open on Sundays you don't have many people coming in the rest of the week, Your just trying to make your selves look good to the town why would anymore people go in on Sunday when there is not anything there to buy.

    1. Please anser this question honestly then. Do you ever stop to shop in the market house? So are you a part of the solution or a part of the problem? Your anser to the question will answer this.

    2. I don't. But I don't need anything from the 2 stands there, so why would I waste my time? If you want fresh food, there's Lehman's, a couple stands on 441, and even the grocery stores carry local stuff anymore.
      Baked goods? Plenty of awesome bakeries present at Root's. And all these places have free parking on site and selection that blows away anything Cola's market could ever pretend to have.

      Ready to eat food? Popcorn? Avon? Dog treats and other crap? Expensive "Hormone free" eggs? [newsflash: all commercial eggs are hormone free] Sorry, but not interested.

      To have a market survive as such you either need the local demographics to support it (Columbia doesn't), or you need a large influx of workers that can use the market for a chance to escape, err, take a lunch break. Again, not happening here.

      Hey, they tried, and it failed. Why they keep expecting different results by opening more days is beyond me. The customers and interest just aren't there. So instead of pretending that it will work, why don't we figure out what to do with the building?


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