Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Are these code violations?

We know there's a stairway to heaven, but a doorway to nowhere?
How about several?
These were seen today:

 100 block of Avenue H
(Note the plastic step stool beneath the threshold.)

 100 block of Avenue H

 On Bank Street, near Locust
(There are at least two issues shown.)

Not a door, but a window.
Not just any window, but one with a dryer vent stuck through a piece of plywood.
(200 block of Locust - third floor)


  1. last picture is a Bigler property

  2. Are all of these in the historic district?

    1. Yes, I believe they are, but several are at the rear of buildings.

  3. The second photo is a classic hay door. They normally would have a beam extending outside of the building, at the top of the door, which seems to be missing. They were common back in the day and were used to load material, such as hay, to the second floor using a pulley system. There are several of these around town. Shame this building is in such disrepair.

    1. Thanks for explaining that, its interesting.

  4. Obviously the insurance carrier (if they even have one) doesn't know Orr it would be fix it or else they would be cancelled

  5. As unsafe as these are .....and I get a letter about putting a yard sale sign on a pole...go figure

  6. That's the way the codes office does things different rules for everything never the same.

  7. Absolutely, the code department is selective beyond a doubt. It's who you know.

  8. You have to remember who owns these slum places!!

  9. Interesting to see the photos but, why is it your business to determine how someone gets in or out of THEIR house. Boundaries people. Ask yourself how does this affect yourself. It doesn't.
    Code enforcement has its needs but usually just becomes "Big Brother government" program.


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