Monday, October 26, 2015

About Town

Some scenes from around town today . . .

Checking a light at the plaza

Route 441 bypass work

The commemorative bench in front of Stover's is gone.  Sources tell the Spy it was taken away due to ongoing vandalism and loitering.

Work continues at 855 Chestnut.

Leaf pickup

Now, that's interesting.


  1. What? That says Bigler-Seibert Partnership. Really? So a member of the CEDC is also a partner of a slumlord? Oh my.

  2. Are Bigler and Seibert still "partners" ?
    If so, that has to be a big problem.

  3. So, is Columbia ok with having a known "slumlord" being a PARTNER with a member of the Community Economic Development Corporation? That does NOT go together.

  4. Strange bedfellows indeed. You know that saying, "You made your bed, now go sleep in it"....Interesting indeed.

  5. When is something going to be done with the house on 5th. Street and Ave. G?

  6. Seibert is as bad as Bigler. Remember what he did to sell the thirteenth street property by influencing the codes dept. He is not on that CDC board volunteering out of the goodness of his heart I can tell you that.

  7. Hello,,,, council is aware of all these suspicions ,,,
    Bigler needs to go!!!!
    Jeff. Shame on you,,
    I trusted you....

  8. Poor Stovers,,,
    The place is a icon to Columbia Past,,
    They endure so much theft and vandalism.
    Wake up people, Rembert what the Stover Family has done for Columbia,,,,,
    Another sad crime...


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