Thursday, October 1, 2015

12 takeaways from Monday's borough meeting

Takeaways from September 28, 2015 borough meeting of the whole:

1) CBFD is offering to sell the Columbia Number One building to the borough.  It has an appraised estimate of $865,000, according to a CBFD representative.  Prior to a decision, Councillor Mary Barninger wants to see an estimate for cost of converting the building to accommodate the borough office.  In the meantime, it will be listed with a commercial agent.
2) Halloween Parade October 22, 2015 with a rain date of October 26, 2015 (5-9pm).

3) Councillor Jim Smith stated that he wants less public concentration on the two condemned Bigler properties, as this is taking away from the great job that the codes department is doing.  He said people keep "putting it out there" about these two properties.

4) A resident presented council with a petition regarding noise/nuisance at a garage to the rear of 124 South Ninth Street.  The garage is rented by young people from out of town and they use it during late night/early morning hours to work on cars.  Loud talking and air wrenches at 2-3 a.m. are part of the problem.  The resident claims she has been sent back and forth by police and codes, with no resolution.  The mayor states that he is aware, and it is going to be handled.

5) According to Mayor Lutz, there are 17 upcoming hearings at DJ Herman's office involving the codes department.

6) Last day for yard waste pickup is October 12, 2015.  Leaf collection begins October 19, 2015.

7) On Wednesday, October 7, 2015, there will be an open house at the fire company 6-8 p.m.

8) A motion was passed to approve a position for school resource officer.

9) Milling and paving will be done in the area of Chestnut, Second, Locust Streets.  Signs have been posted on parking meters.

10) Regarding the Route 441 bypass project, there was a discussion of a ribbon-cutting ceremony and possibly allowing the community the opportunity to walk onto the road and view the project prior to it being opened to traffic.

11) There was a 25-minute discussion about purchasing a backhoe and a small dump truck with a total cost of $167,000.

12) A resident asked how often private septic tanks are being inspected.  Interim Borough Manager Ron Miller was unable to say if this was being done, but he was going to look into the matter.  The cottages and/or cabins along the river were mentioned during this discussion.  Apparently the state has requirements for periodic inspections.

Information on Sewage Inspection Officers can be found here:


  1. what is Smith smoking? Codes needs big changes and he sounds like he is protecting someone

  2. Actually, I think Mr. Smith was also referring to the pole barn fiasco on Thirteenth Street. He thinks people do not need to keep putting it out there. He wants the focus to be on the good things that codes has accomplished. I wonder how the residents out in Thirteenth Street feel about keeping it quiet now and no longer keeping any heat on this situation. I also wonder how the neighbors on Locust Street feel about having no more attention placed on the Bigler property. If Mr. Smith lived next door to either of these problem properties, you can bet it would already have been dealt with in a way that would benefit him.

    1. Speaking of 13th Street, there is heavy equipment sitting in the pole barn. I didn't think that was permitted.

    2. The owner has applied for and received a permit to deconstruct the current 2880 sq. ft. pole barn and make it into 2 separate buildings each at 500 sq. ft. with the size of each building at 20' X 25'.

  3. Please do not say anything about that, let's keep it positive.

    1. Yep, stick your head back in the sand!

    2. We try to post what is newsworthy.

    3. Oh this is news worthy. My comment about sticking "your head in the sand" was in agreement to the comment "please do not say anything about that, let's keep it positive". I assume that was a condescending remark, as was mine too.

    4. Bad news is a positive way to teach people not to make the same mistakes!!!!

  4. I think the mortgage payoff is more than the appraised value.

    1. CBFD offer is for Station 8-1 building, CBFD owned land on 441 next to 8-1 station, and fire police lot and building on South 2ND Street. This was mentioned in the discussion.

    2. Yes, thanks for clarifying.

  5. Correct condescending!

  6. No money should be spent on the firehouse! No to tax dollars!!

  7. seriously Jim Smith said that. Maybe its because US taxpaying homeowners are sick and tired of all the BS and personal agendas and the spend spend spend. get your head out of the sand. IF council DID their job, maybe some of this BS wouldn't be.
    And $167,000.00 for equpment for the highway dept. Seriously?????? this is Columbia. NOT Manheim. NO NO NO we (TAXPAYERS) can NOT afford ALL this BS spending. No to new equipment. NO to another code officer (make the ones already there concentrate on the REAL issues) . What don't you people get? NO. We can NOT afford this.

  8. i really wish that us taxpaying homeowners who WORK hard to provide for our families & are barely holding onto our homes because of taxes would go to some council mtgs. the idiots that sit on council have NO clue. NONE. THEY are the ones who can make changes, who can make things happen....but what do they do???? they give the Market trust 15 MORE months to be asses. They had how many years to fix market? they are NOT capable. and then theres the code dept which has been at issue for years....its just come to light the past year or two. maybe theres a problem with management NOT managing. ever think about that? and i also say NO NO NO to hiring another code officer. we taxpayers stand together and say NO...we are done with all this bs spending. so you sold the sewer plant for $8.6 million,,,paid off a $5 million debt and the way you spend this boro WILL be completely BROKE within a year. highway dept does NOT need more fancy brand new equipment JUST because they think its a good deal. INSTEAD hire more workers to use ALL this expensive equipment the BOro already owns. there is SOOOO much thats broke inthis BOro that it will take some REAL people to step up to council and demand accountability. demand change. WE taxpayers are the ONLY thing keeping this Boro going. management-Boro Council must be aware of all this craziness and do what they were voted into office to do...NOT personal agendas and being a yes man or woman. i could go on and on and on. THIS BORO IS ABSOLUTELY IRRESPONSIBLE, DOES AS IT WANTS, DOESN'T LISTEN TO THE PEOPLE WHO VOTED THEM INTO THE POSITION,.ALWAYS TURNS A BLIND EYE TO EVERYTHING RELEVANT. AND DOES ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY NOTHING.

  9. bravo...well said!


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