Wednesday, September 16, 2015

About Town

Seen today . . .

 TRUMP for President

 Customers needed at the chicken place on Route 462.

Fun on the roof at Fourth and Locust

Borough workers pressure washing bridge lights


  1. Why is this Columbia's job? The bridge is a state road and also is West Hempfield. The state had a crew on bridge pulling and spraying weeds few weeks ago. Seems like a waste of COLUMBIA BORO tax dollars. I'm sure there are a lot better things this crew could be doing in COLUMBIA!!!!

    1. Columbia Borough gets reimbursed from PennDOT for this. But yes, you're right, providing this service does take workers away from other borough duties.

  2. Were all involved actually borough workers? Maybe some were PennDot employees.

  3. When we saw them on the Wrightsville said of the bridge it was all Columbia boro employees and 1 person from flag force. A Columbia boro employee was handling the other flagger position.


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