Thursday, August 6, 2015

State call center with 129 jobs coming to Liberty Place in Lancaster city

Developer Bill Roberts had previously proposed renovating a Columbia fire house for the call center, with the financial backing of Columbia Borough, which offered to spend $835,000 to support the venture.



  1. YAY! Let's make sure council never slides another one passed us. Now that we will maintain ownership the firehouse, let's move the police department down there. Maybe the borough offices too!

  2. If they had over $ 835,000 they should put it to more police that we badly need, 2 cops on a shift is ridiculous.

  3. I keep hearing this 2 cops on a shift, yet there have been several times when I have observed 3 or 4 responding to one call. Can anyone explain? I'm sure that there are times when the staffing is lean, but is it routine?

  4. How about donating a large sum to support the Columbia Historic Society. It would be the right thing to do. How much money was dumped into the market house and look at the great results there. It's past time to help other endeavors in this borough. Can the borough make a generous donation and use it as a tax deduction?


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