Sunday, August 2, 2015

Columbia Kettle Works gets OK for outside seating

Columbia Kettle Works, 40 North Third Street, recently received approval from Columbia Borough and the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board to provide outdoor seating along a 6 x 55 foot section of sidewalk in front of the establishment. The area will also include wrought iron fence and awnings.

Bill Collister, the owner of the brew pub, approached Columbia Borough Council about the issue at the May 26 meeting of the whole (as well as a subsequent council meeting).  At that meeting, Collister asked council for a variance to allow sidewalk tables and seating. He stated that his enterprise has succeeded in bringing people into town and that his customer base is fairly well-off. He also stated that his business is more of an attraction than a bar and closes by 10 p.m. Council informed him that such seating must be at least 20 feet from any adjacent street (for example, Walnut Street or Avenue H) and that a number of parking spaces versus seats must be provided, according to ordinance. 


  1. Great that they can have out side seating.

  2. awesome! now if only the boro powers that be would actually DO something for all downtown no meters friday evenings to start. owners of downtown businesses are putting their hearts and souls into the downtown, helping to revitalize......its time for the boro to get off its high horse and get in on it.

  3. Exactly, stop meter parking fees over weekends and advertise free parking in lot on Bank Avenue.

  4. I'm not sure why business owners don't see that if there is free parking on the street, renters will steal it before any business patrons get the chance to use it.

    1. Exactly....meters are a determant for renters who would undoubtedly take ALL the parking spaces. Lets stop with all the nonsense talk of getting rid of meters. They are the truely only thing that is preventing Locust Street to really becoming a slum street. We need to focus on building a parking garage in either the municipal lot behind the bus stop or the former Embarq lot.

    2. The codes for renters is for every unit shall be 1 and half parking! The landlords are getting away with this bull!Borough does nothing about it!! GO FIGURE!!!!!!

  5. I would love to see concrete jersey barriers arranged in front of the Kettleworks(and any other business that justifies the need for more room) 3-4 parking spaces, similar to what has been done in front of the collapsing building on Locust Street. This way, the entire sidewalk could be utilized for an even more dramatic outdoor venue, all the while providing safe pedestrian traffic flow. Issue a "conditional timeframe permit" say for June-Aug that this would be erected and maintained. Even charge a fee commensurate of what the 4 meters would lose in revenue. With the truck route about to become done, this road will be even more safer to do this. They do it in other cities with fantastic results. They could even do some landscaping to enhance the look.


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