Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Agenda - Columbia Borough Council Meeting of the Whole August 24, 2015


  1. Charges were filed against Sam and Cynthia Bigler, for failure to comply regarding violations, but those charges were since "withdrawn". What happened? Why were charges dropped?

    1. We were informed that the submitted forms contained too many errors and were therefore "thrown out."

    2. To clarify: A borough official allegedly gave incorrect information when submitting the paperwork.

    3. W as that official elected or hired? Either way they need to be named so people know who to hold accountable. Does borough council have the ability to fire the codes people? If so I would be tempted to run. This is crap that there are so many inept people in these positions and the whole town suffers for it.

  2. Charge was withdrawn on August 5, 2015 and case is listed as closed. Are they now not being held accountable, and if not why?

    1. We wonder if the proper forms - completed correctly - will be resubmitted.

    2. I was told they will be refiling charges.

  3. Boro Council MUST stop this insanity. Say NO NO NO to the Market HOuse Trust. What are you-completely insane, ignorant, and serving only personal agendas? This is an outrage!
    Also what the hell???? Sam & Cynthia Bigler fiasco that has cost US taxpayers tens of thousands of dollars....actually probably hundreds of thousands of dollars.....Boro Mgmt going to wait and see? Really?
    Just what MUST the residents of this Boro have to do to CLEAN HOUSE THE WHOLE WAY FROM THE TOP TO THE BOTTOM? Its LONG overdue!!

    1. We wonder if he is "accidentally on-purpose" being let off the hook again.

    2. What you must do is grow a set of balls and a backbone and show up at a council meeting and say exactly what you just said on here. Second Monday (7pm) and fourth Monday (6pm) of every month.

  4. If a simple charge for failure to comply cannot stick then how will anything else ever get resolved?

    1. This continued foot-dragging gives the impression that Bigler is being protected.

  5. this is absolutely 100% UNACCEPTABLE..... Boro Council and Boro Mgmt. shame on you all ESPECIALLY BORO COUNCIL! You continue to ALLOW all this BS and THEN you EXTEND Market HOuse HOuse trust????? you ARE crazy! they have 4 more months this year. You need to UNDO that. REMOVE THE TRUST. IMMEDIATELY.

  6. you are so right. time to clean house get young blood on council and as mayor. someone who will not have a personal agenda no matter what the issued!

  7. Some one on council should be arrested for letting this BS go!!!!! Its being done on purpose!!!!!!!!

  8. Old generations in this town still exercise control.

  9. Columbia always has been and always will be run by the "good old boys" system. The only way to change things is to get them ALL out of office. That means you need to take an interest in and take pride in the town in which you live. Sitting around complaining accomplishes nothing! You need to get up and act.

    1. Do you act? Are you running for office? Do you live in Columbia? Do you REALLY, REALLY CARE???

    2. True so true! Use that energy that you are expelling and sitting around doing nothing but notching and weining.
      If you can make a difference then step up and have at it! No excuses please...

  10. If one steps up and requests and/or accepts a position, volunteer or paid, that person has to perform the required duties. Because someone takes a few minutes to write a comment does not mean that they are "sitting around doing nothing". Their energy may be going toward a different endeavor to help in this borough. It's disheartening to vote and vote with the same results, same people always in charge.


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