Thursday, July 23, 2015

Street sweeper still down


  1. Wow how will they survive without all that ticket money. Oh yea tax increase I forgot.

  2. seriously???? the street sweeper is NOT that old...a few years...they cost $175,000.00 or so. they need to revamp the street sweeper schedule. downtown every morning. the rest of the town, once a month. and post the schedule. in the off time, EVERYONE should be keeping after their own gutter area, so get out your broom and dustpan or shovel and sweep up all the dirt and trash and put it in your trash bag! yeah!

  3. i agree its quite expensive to 1. buy a new sweeper every few years (apparently they are NOT made for the misuse the Boro has) 2. a full time driver of the sweeper. 3. a full time person following the sweeper giving out tickets. i agree. People get out your brroms and shovels or dustpans and be responsible for the mess in your gutter. all them code officers should be citing for that too. quick tickets. its trash.

  4. Lol come on now,,,,,
    Responsible elderly home owners can afford the constant tax increases!##

  5. you know, that's the mentality of the school board. just like the elderly can afford their meds. and their food.

  6. yeah and i will never understand how the school board thinks. its not like they are millionaires. EVERYONE struggles to pay the taxes. and they KEEP raising them EVERY YEAR. CONSOLIDATE THE SCHOOLS.


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