Sunday, July 19, 2015

It's time to take a serious look at school consolidation


  1. we ALL know Columbia is land locked, a small town with MORE RENTALS that exceed the norm. the taxpaying homeowners are barely making ends meet. YES the schools MUST consolidate! should have done it YEARS ago. maybe even with consolidation "neighborhood" schools would remain open for boro kids but with more manpower and resources. and NO Columbia Boro can NOT afford to pay all these Principal, Asst Principal, Superintendants, etc salaries. For God's Sake, we keep losing our homes. What don't you get school board???????

  2. Mom they don't get what it's like to be a responsible low income property owner!
    They don't get Common Sense!!!!

  3. i really don't understand just what they think or see? don't they live in this same Boro? its more than evident that we are poverty.

  4. It would be nice if the mayor would spend his time on a worthwhile endeavor like getting rid of this school district, which would make a huge difference in this town. Instead he wastes time on things that costs us money like new police vehicles, waste to energy plants, things to help employees not taxpayers.


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