Thursday, July 30, 2015

It's baaack!

Or at least it was, until borough workers returned it to its rightful place. As was the case yesterday morning, someone had moved this picnic table onto a dock at Columbia River Park this morning.


  1. Fine them for what? I don't think there's any regulations posted about moving the tables.

    1. How about fining them for lack of common sense!! Who in their right mind would think this is okay?

  2. I don't think you are to move the tables to the fishing deck.

  3. Apparently due to people that fail to consider others, we need MORE regulations. Placing the table on that dock monopolizes its use. If other people want to walk out on the dock, there is not enough room. The dock does not belong to any one person. The docks were not placed there for this purpose. The tables must stay on the land. It also poses a safety risk.

  4. I see nothing wrong here!

  5. It's just like the trailer parking,,,
    Move trailer parking
    to grass area and start to charge a fee to the owners of the vehicle and trailer.
    This will open up parking spaces for VISITORS!
    It's a well known fact, LOCAL YOKELS abuse the trailer parking area now. THEY HOG THE PARKING!!
    Yes it's still the river park but it's not your private boat club!
    Curious, after your weekend is over, where do you park your boat and trailer?
    Probably on the Public Street, which could pose problems with tight parking neighborhoods. Mmmmm I call that just as ignorant .

    Get off your high horses Chosen Ones!
    Wonder now that TWO of Columbia's hardest workers will not be in charge,,,,
    How will an outside opinion feel about yokels
    Abusers you know who you are!!!

    1. I'm curious, who are the "TWO of Columbia's hardest workers"? And what do you mean by " will not be in charge"?

    2. ,,, well Daisy and Chris!!!!!!


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