Monday, July 27, 2015

Is it time to weed the bridge? Yes, it's long overdue!

The following video and photos were shot this afternoon on the Columbia end of the Veterans Memorial Bridge, showing crabgrass, and weeds - some higher than a yardstick - that have sprung up along the sidewalk. Although PennDOT is ultimately responsible for bridge maintenance, Columbia Borough had been cleaning the bridge and billing PennDOT, at least during the recent mayfly invasion. Regardless of who is responsible, however, the weeds and crabgrass need to be removed. They are an unsightly mess and create a negative first impression for motorists and pedestrians entering Columbia.


  1. What a mess some one needs to clean it up the sooner the better

  2. This is not our bridge!

  3. It's someone's bridge and they are not doing their job. This could make the cracks in the bridge much worse, the longer the weeds are growing.

  4. It sure looked like OUR bridge when the new lights went on, but when the weeds are overgrown it's not our bridge!

  5. I think they look nice. Better than a bunch of mayflies

  6. If everyone who walked or jogged across the bridge pulled one weed, the problem would be solved in a day. I guess it's just easier to take pictures and complain.

  7. wondering when the last time this bridge has been inspected for the crumbling and deteriorating concrete. safety 101?

  8. Do you think walkers and joggers carry gloves to be pulling weeds. Complain complain complain MORE!!!!! It's not their job. Someone is being paid to maintain the bridge, when they do MY job I'll do their's.

  9. Make a correction please Columbia Spy!!! Apparently the bridge is to be maintained by random passerbys. Penn Dot approved? Should save money.

  10. Post a sign: Toll bridge: Each walker or jogger must pull one weed in order to cross. Those actually being paid to do this may now take a break.


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