Saturday, July 25, 2015

Columbia strip club wins court ruling

In June, Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas Judge Margaret C. Miller reversed a Columbia zoning board's decision banning  nude dancing at Club Good Times.


  1. I would rather see nude dancing inside then all the drug deals and rift raft in this area outside. Columbia has lot better things to spend that money on then to be fighting this.

  2. By the looks of the trash on Fourth Street, no one cares. The borough may fare better during the appeal process if they clean up that entire area. Columbia has a very nice highrise for the elderly across from Club Good Times, but those residents have to walk through filth to get over town.

  3. Right on!! Spend that money on a clean up, that entire square block needs it.

  4. I have just one thing to say to the residents of s 4th , 100 block, you's are hogs!!!!!

  5. But the dealers need to make a LIVING TO!
    And reproduce,
    And live in Rentals,
    Hell, good chance LIVING with his babe, who is getting welfare and any Govt assistance available.

  6. OK let's dissect this.
    The borough should stop wasting our tax money fighting a dead issue. It's been decided, so let it be.
    For the mayor to suggest the problems are lack of parking and quality of life concerns is disingenuous. Just recently, the borough was ready to surrender almost all its public parking for a pie-in-the-sky call center.  And quality of life concerns on a block with trash cluttering the sidewalks and gutters? Not a very convincing argument.
    According to the article: "The legal issue has continued since 2007 when Club Good Times changed its sign to advertise totally nude dancing and the borough served a notice to stop nude dancing." So, the issue is not that it's a "strip club," but that it began featuring totally nude dancing, as if an item or two of a underwear (or lack thereof) could make all the difference.
    The article also mentions borough codes, but it's well known how codes are unequally and ineptly enforced in this town.
    (An aside: The article states: "That leaves the east side, near the Susquehanna River and Glatfelter Field." Although Glatfelter's is on the east side, the river is on the west side.)
    Even the police chief says the number of calls to this address is not out of line with bars and restaurants in the area.
    This issue boils down to the fact that the borough needs to start encouraging local business instead of fighting it.

    1. Totally here what you are stating here, However, as far as the parking issue for the "pie-in-the-sky" call center, council voted unanimously to reject the applicants request for exclusive use of the public parking. And if you recall, the mayor and many others suggested that this action would kill the project,

  7. What is this world coming to?Maybe it is a business but what does it say about are town?People are always putting Columbia down and this sure does not help.How would the judge like a nude bar in his town?

    1. I think that someone typing "what does it say about are (SIC) town" says a lot more about our town.

      So judges should rule on personal feelings and not the law? Unbelievable.

  8. The same thing it has said for alot of years. This isn't a new business to town. Been there for very long time and don't think it's worth are tax money to fight about if there nude or almost nude. And does the mayor have a clue about quality of life. This square block is probably the worst in town get real.

  9. We know it is not a new business but it still should not be in town and we should care what goes on inside why does anybody want to look at nude women it is sick.

    1. 1. It is an established business paying taxes. This town needs all of those it can get. Anyone in power that uses tax money to fight a tax paying business should be run out of town on a rail.

      2. Why shouldn't it be in town? Should bars be in town? Microbreweries? Cigarette outlets? What about stover's? (they sell pornography with lots of pictures of women that ain't got no clothes on!!!)

      3. Who the hell are you to decide what belongs in town or not? Do you care about what goes on in the bedrooms of other people? They why do you care what goes on behind closed doors of this business? In other words - get a life.

      4. Considering that lots of people are born every day, I suggest that looking at nude women is a vibrant hobby. Don't think the internet would have survived without it.

    2. Right on. Those who want to frequent the establishment, can. Those who don't, well, they don't have to. Less government, more freedoms! Less government, more freedoms!

  10. Right women could be considered fine art ��


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