Sunday, June 7, 2015

Takedown at Makle

Officers from several local police departments converged on Makle Park this afternoon at about 5 o'clock to apprehend a suspect.  After staging the operation on the 500 block of Union Street, personnel from Columbia Borough, West Hempfield, and Susquehanna Regional police departments took the suspect into custody at the conclusion of a basketball tournament being held at the park.


  1. Thats a shame that something like this had to happen at an event that has such a positive impact on the community. It would be wonderful to have seen you post some positive pictures from this event rather than focus just on this one ancillary negative occurence. To all that plan and host this event, a job well done. Cliff is smiling. How about some positive publicity Cole.

    1. Wow.....she really beats you up Cole! My mom used to say "if you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all". He is reporting news Jody, he is not reporting sports.
      Thanks Cole, I appreciate your news reports, keep up the good work.

  2. 12 police officers for 1 man. Must of been a murder or and pimp!!

  3. -- It's ashame you had to post this. Where were you yesterday ? There was a kids Carnival that my friend and I put together in memory of her Mother who passed of brain cancer. All proceeds will go to research!! There were ton of games, raffles, a bounce house, food and a ton of kids having fun. Everyone wonders why Columbia gets a bad's because people and media only like to show the bad things that happen!! There was so much positivity yesterday !! 1 man, turned a great event into the media and everyone posting about it, which brought negativity to the tournament and carnival that people spent many hours and money pulling it together!! Hats off to Kurt Edmond for putting together the 10th annual Clifford Edmond tournament, and to my friend Colby for pulling off an outstanding kids carnival in memory of her mother that raised a lot of money for research!! Hopefully NEXT YEAR the media will decide to put some positive light onto Columbia and post all over about it.

  4. While we try to cover as many Columbia events as possible, we can't get them all. We publish this site on our own time and our own dime. We covered "Jazzy's Day" at Makle Park two years in a row. This is an event that LNP never covers. We happened upon today's incident and decided to cover it without question or hesitation. A major takedown such as this is newsworthy. The decision to assign positive or negative connotations is up to the reader. With all that can occur during arrests, photos and videos become a valuable record, and in some cases evidence in legal proceedings. For example, photos and videos we took of the February 3 Columbia Plaza shooting were requested by attorneys in the subsequent case. (As a point of interest, a police officer told us to stop photographing at that scene.)
    Today, we were told, loudly and insistently, to leave the area by a self-appointed guardian (not an officer). Despite our being there legally and not interfering, the harassment continued. So, who was being negative?
    If our coverage of today's incident is deemed to be negative, one may well ask the police why they chose this time and place for the arrest.

    1. Thanks Cole for all you do for Columbia.

  5. Columbia Spy regrets being unable to cover the tournament. Any photos of the event submitted to this site will be published, with photo credit.
    Send to:

    1. How can "Columbia Spy ", "regret something " ? , "Columbia Spy " is just a name , nothing more then words, and not a person. If you personally really regret something, then say so, but don't brush it off by saying that your words regret it. :-) , but it's all good, really, and generally speaking, you do great work ( Cole that is ), other then weather you want to admit it or not, you are a bit biased, to say the least !

    2. Wow.....can I say "eff off" on here?^^^

  6. This site covers everything from borough council meetings to community events and yes, police involved incidents too. This site is operated by people that work full time at other jobs. It is operated as a service to Columbia residents. And it is FREE information. If you want guaranteed coverage of a specific event call LNP or WGAL. If the cops show up at the pope's funeral to make an arrest and I have a camera, I'm taking pictures. I don't care WHERE it is it's news and should never be withheld to candycoat anything.

  7. We actually did call and speak with WGAL...! So no worries about that Sharon. Maybe next time be around when something positive is going on for the kids! I guess next year we will ask the cops to show up so the camera's will show up!

    1. I'm curious - did WGAL cover this?
      If you would like coverage on this site, please submit photos and information to:

  8. As far as I know, they did not even though they said they would.

    1. I'm sorry to hear that. They do that sometimes. The same thing happened at Columbia's 150th anniversary of the bridge burning.

    2. Columbia Spy tries to cover as many events as possible in a limited amount of time. Unfortunately, we don't have a full-time news operation.

    3. I appreciate your volunteer work.

  9. Cole you did a GREAT job on reporting this incident, don't be concerned about a group of BAWL BABIES crying about nothing.

  10. Lancaster County's FINEST at work

  11. Apparently some people have a very short memory. This site HAS covered multiple events throughout this borough for years. I'm requesting that links be set up to all.

    1. Yes, one only has to look through the posts. They're listed on the right on the web version.

  12. Censor NOTHING.

    1. That's a good policy that I try to abide by.

  13. Keep up the good work the people who follow your site like myself appreciate ALL the news and events you cover good and bad. Why didn't the bad mouthers take there own pictures and put them on there website if they where so worried about coverage?

    1. Thanks. I think some folks would kill the messenger if he brought bad news. I report what I see. We happened upon the police activity by accident on our way home.
      Although people can and do post information on Facebook, I've extended an invitation to have tournament photos posted on this site.

  14. This situation could have gone bad real quick if the man they were apprehending had a weapon. There were people all around. The cops were taking a hell of a chance doing this at a public park during a scheduled event, yet no one is upset with the cops!!!!

    1. I don't know who he was or what he did, but they wanted him badly enough to arrest him at the event. I'm not suggesting that was wrong, but if people are going to criticize......

    2. This is called Police Tactics. Bad guy in jail and EVERYONE goes home. Great job to all officers involved.

  15. Another thought: Someone obviously knew the suspect was at the event and informed the police. Why not blame that person for disrupting the event? Or the suspect himself, for that matter.

  16. Someone knew the wanted man was there at the park, was an informant there too?

  17. Keep up the good work Cole!!!

  18. Cole, why don't you stop covering all events, that way no one is slighted and it's all fair. Let people get their "news" from those organizations with paid sponsors. A large number of those criticizing your work would never take their own free time to write articles of any value to the public, no, instead they would turn to Facebook and hit "like" for what someone takes in their coffee. They don't care what goes on at council meetings or where their tax money goes. The truth is that this DID happen at the park, where the tournament was held: Columbia you can't handle the truth!

  19. Lucky, police "tactics" can go wrong. This man took a gun from his victim.

    1. But it didn't. Proper planning was in place so nothing did go wrong. Kudos to all officers involved!

  20. I thought Barry Ford was Columbia's sports writer, so was he there and if so where is his article??

  21. I am not mad or upset or whatever else at the cops or the person who turned this man in because he did something terrible. It's the fact that a 2 day event got no media coverage or any photos, which i understand happens. HOWEVER, as soon as something bad happens it's all over with pictures. Now the Anonymous folks that are calling people bawl babies, is fine to me because actually i have my name posted while everyone else commenting is anonymous. Which is what people do, so im fine with that. Its just the point of disappointment that Columbia, and YES I look on this page often and seem SOME good things, and a lot of bad, always gets a bad name, and when something good happens the only people taking pictures are the ones there! SO yes we have tons of picture, but because we're bawl babies, and because it wasnt a funeral or a cop appointed assignment we will just keep them to ourselves and facebook. I just hope that in the future all the good that is done in Columbia can be pictured and shown off. Understanding, you're only 1 person, but here's to the future and hoping more good out of Columbia. Take care, and all the anonymous you can stay anonymous thats fine with me, but please the next time something bad happens in columbia, Don't start to curse the town because you, anonymous are calling the people bawl babies for wanting good to be shown. Keep up the good work! #HaveAGreatDay.

    1. Safety is always first! Remember to hug and thank your police officer! By the way, Gladfelters would have been the best place for the tournament ! Thank you for reading!! :O)

  22. The Susquehanna Regional Police car looks like it is smiling.


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