Monday, June 1, 2015

Imaging Center quietly closes its doors

Due to a lack of clients, the Imaging Center of Columbia, 369 Locust Street, has closed its doors for the last time, despite having a 3-year lease obligation. The center opened on November 1, 2012.
Workers finished moving furniture and equipment this past Friday.

Lancaster Regional and Heart of Lancaster medical centers had leased the space from Cimarron Investments.


  1. Bring on the antiques !

  2. Lack of. paying customers is more like it. This is not a good sign for other businesses looking to open a business. Most of the residents in this town don't have any money left after paying necessities to spend on anything else.

  3. It's a shame to lose this business but I think it was there own fault. They had no evening hours any days and no Saturday hours. Should've been open later few days and had some Saturday hours.

  4. Are the parking meters back in on 4th St yet?

  5. The owners are happy, they got their money! Now for the next SUCKERS!!

  6. That building deserves something better anyway, like a high end restaurant !

  7. so sad. Lancaster Regional doesn't have the "draw" like LGH. But, did they advertise all over the place??? Did Dr's. recommend Columbia Boro Imaging Center INSTEAD of the old hospotal???? probably not. just saying.

    1. You are correct - this is the reposnibility of Regional and its doctors in not recommending Columbia Borough Imaging Center to patients instead of the old hospital. Its not as if this was a walkup type of facility - needed appointments due to the specilaized nature of the work done here. Agree with the next post that a "Patient First" or any other emergency center is needed.

  8. would LOVE to see a "Patient First" or any other emergency center!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. NO and NO and more NOSSSSSS!!

  9. YES YES YES this is EXACTLY what this Boro needs. They should have NEVER closed Columbia least NOT the ER.

  10. Bring on the antiques !

  11. oh and WHO approves all the new ventures in ref to zoning???? are CAR DEALERS THE ONLY PERMITTED USE ALONG LANCASTER AVE??? I HARDLY THINK SO. council should be sure the zoning officer has the BEST interest and visions as the people in this Boro.

  12. for sure the zoning officer SHOULD be looking out for the best for the Boro. tons of people were looking for a sandwich shop, a dinkin donuts, a nice restaurant, etc...NOT another car dealership.

  13. let me ask the ultimate question AGAIN. WHAT does the Boro DO for businesses in the Boro?????? NOTHING. NADA. ZIP. ZILCH. ZERO. and this is the exact reason why businesses don't last in the boro.


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