Monday, May 4, 2015

More vandalism at the gazebo

Columbia electrician Mike Niklaus repaired damage from vandalism at the Locust Street Park gazebo earlier this week.  As he was working, a group of teenagers taunted him as they climbed on playground equipment in the fenced-in area.  Reportedly, the vandal has been identified, thanks to surveillance cameras, and must make restitution for the damage.


  1. Good to hear they caught the person. Hopefully they start catching more of this stuff going on and the ones harrasing the worker should've been charged also.

  2. i agree. except they SHOULD post a picture of the vandals and the parents also be cited.

    1. I agree start sending the parents citations!!! Obviously the teenagers are still present in the park and vandalizing. There was a group of teenagers in the Park this past Sunday evening and I witnessed two different police cruisers drive by and no action was taken.......

    2. Your talking about Columbia Police here. They only do what they want and they are afraid of the drug people in this town!! All these tax dollars are for not!!

  3. If these kids did this kind of damage at home, to the extent where their parents had to call in repairmen, how long would they tolerate it?

  4. Police must do there job and keep these kids out of the park can't just drive by and act like they are not there!!.

  5. Late this afternoon I saw a teenage girl scale the new fence around the park school play ground. The fence was not put there to be climbed over. Several feet away was an open gate. If the teens are willing to do this when all eyes are on them, what will they do when they think no one is looking. Respect of property begins at home.

  6. You know what strikes me as odd : if your dog is unsupervised roaming along the police have no trouble picking them up off the streets so how is it ok for kids to roam around "unsupervised" ? To me that is neglect! But in Maryland the police did just that. So in Columbia it's ok for kids to run the streets and parks with no adult supervision but in Maryland that's not? Why is that?


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