Friday, May 1, 2015

Meet Ben Burner, intern-to-be at the Trail Services Building

Ben Burner, who hails from the Harrisburg area, will be the summer intern at the Northwest River Trail Services Building at Columbia River Park.  Ben is a graduate of Cumberland Valley High School and is currently a sophomore at Millersville University, where he is majoring in Marketing and Management.  He will be managing the building Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays this summer.


  1. Why not have someone from Columbia run this???? How much are we paying him???

  2. Very nice young man and great choice for this position.

  3. I would have thought they would have wanted someone that knows the area would have been a better choice. Someone who can explain how to navigate the Columbia area of the river, knows the history of things to see along the trail would have been a much better fit. I see this building as a "travel information center". And my belief is someone that knows what they are talking about will do good. Again, who knows who even applied.

  4. Creeping xenophobia!

  5. Applied????? when? where? to who?
    seriously i agree. there are many great COLUMBIA BORN AND RAISED historians who WOULD and COULD do some info giving justice...i believe they also want volunteers?!?? it would be awesome to have some old timers with the history to step forward and teach a few hrs a week!!!!

  6. Must be someones relative!!!

    1. How do you gather this form this article? Get off your high horse, I'm sure he was hired for the internship off his resume and skills!

    2. I thought I heard he was being paid thru a grant. Give the kid a break, he doesn't deserve to be attacked! I wish you good luck Ben and I hope these negative comments don't discourage you.

  7. Just for those wondering this is just a summer internship for me and I am not being paid any crazy amount of money. There is a need for volunteers to work both here and at the visitor center, they should contact the Susquehanna Valley Chamber of Commerce if interested. I will be spending time learning history, and attractions of Columbia to help anyone who has questions while I am working in the trail services building.

  8. Looks like a great hire!

  9. Welcome to Columbia Ben and good luck!!!!!! There are a lot of Columbians who have a lot of knowledge and history of Columbia. I hope they share their knowledge with you!!!! Keep a smile on your face and move forward!!!!

  10. Congrats Ben and Good Luck!!! Not sure what's up with all the negative comments...

  11. I interviewed Ben, and he is a fine young man - respectful and respectable. While I usually afford wide latitude on comments pro and con, I won't publish any more negative ones about this post if I receive them. As a community, we should welcome Ben, who took the initiative to come to our community and learn about us. Come on, Columbia, you should be above petty negativity, and I expect better from you.

  12. Who pressured you Cole? People should speak! This young man might be a great young man and i have nothing against him. Its how and who made this decision right out of the BLUE!!!

  13. this is ridiculous. ALL you naysayers.....get off that horse your on AND run for public office. IF NOT keep ALL your negative feedback to yourself. NO ONE wants to hear it anymore! We are all sick and tired of the negativity. IF you are sincerely interested in the best FOR Columbia. Stand up. Stand proud. Be a part of the solution. Run for office. Volunteer some time. BUT STOP WHINING.
    GOOD LUCK BEN!!!!!!! :) Ignore ignorant people :)


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