Thursday, May 7, 2015

Bicycle hit on Veterans Memorial Bridge

The Veterans Memorial Bridge was shut down for several hours today after an early afternoon vehicle accident in which a bicyclist was hit. The bicyclist was taken by ambulance, and traffic was temporarily re-routed over the Wrights Ferry (Route 30) Bridge. Columbia Borough, West Hempfield, and East Hempfield Police Departments responded, as well as Columbia Fire Police and other emergency personnel.

(These photos were shot by Columbia Spy despite resistance from West Hempfield Police.)


  1. I want to elaborate on the West Hempfield officer's comments to me. He stated (quote) you can't park on the bridge. I replied I'm not, I walked the whole way out. He then said is that your white Blazer, you need to move it. Clearly I had already told him that I walked out. I told him its not my vehicle. Had he been doing his job, rather than concerning himself with what I was doing, he would have already known who was driving the Blazer because the cops were interviewing her!! The West Hempfield officers have developed a pattern of being antagonistic when approaching people. I grew up in West Hempfield and my parents still live there, paying taxes that support that police department since 1961. When I am walking on a public sidewalk, minding my own business, not interferring in any way with the officers investigating, I deserve respect if I am approached. I can clearly see why people are watching and filming officers more now than ever before. There is discrimination toward the camera. If I was simply walking there without my camera, I do not think the officer would have approached me. This was a deliberate attempt to prevent me from getting any other photos.

    1. They're allergic to cameras, that's for sure.


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