Thursday, April 9, 2015

More on last night's CEDC meeting


  1. it all sounds wonderful! however, the FIRST thing to do if for the Code Dept to ENFORCE ALL THE HUNDREDS OF ORDINANCES ON THEIR BOOKS PERTAINING TO: TRASH, DOG WASTE, HIGH GRASS & WEEDS, TENANTS WHO DON'T CARE & DON'T TAKE PRIDE IN THE PROPERTY. also the Boro MUST step up to the plate & promote, envcourage & even figure out ways to enhance the downtown. ie: parking. put your heads together & come up with a game plan for the businesses to PURCHASE METER BAGS TO RESERVE PARKING FOR THEIR BUSINESSES AND NO TENANTS.

  2. first get rid of the hundreds and hundreds of rental properties in this boro. find a way to make it attractive for people to buy homes and turn them back into single family homes. the burden falls on all the homeowners and the renters pay NOTHING.

  3. i agree the FIRST step is to eliminate the HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS of RENTAL properties. Boro mgmt MUST step up to the plate. THERE are ways for the Boro to take an interest, be involved & help KEEP the businesses that we presently have AND then try to bring more in.....WHAT is the Zoning Dept doing to entice new owners to all the vacant buildings??? maybe an open town hall mtg would help.

  4. they bring in out of towners who don't have one clue about this Boro. Not a parking problem?????????? Surely they jest. The entire Boro has a HUGE PARKING PROBLEM. Do your homework.

  5. I'm not sure how much time the consultants spent here during the summer months. Does anyone know when they were hired? They need to pay a visit to river park on a warm, sunny weekend this summer.

  6. Amen, and they reccpmend 50% more antique malls when 50% of the big warehouses are already antique malls

  7. The consultants were amazing and did their homework!!! Columbia's Mayor and Boro council need to wake up and do theirs. I commend CEDC and the group they found to help Columbia! Robert Gainer 128 HISTORIC South 2nd St. And here ya all go, trust me some of our elected officials are out of control with their own agendas!

  8. Residents, get out and about the town, voice your concerns. Report problems, trust me I know it's not easy. Don't give up or hide behind the scene and complain, act, and persist. Your officials work for you!!!

  9. our officials work for us ? wow thats news to me... cool keep that in mind the next time i am bitchin about how our officials have their own agenda. LOFL... SORRY NO OFFENSE .... ALWAYS GOOD TO HAVE HOPE I GUESS... ACT AND PERSIST FOR SURE!!!! THE ONLY WAY COLA COMES BACK TO LIFE IS TO START AT THE TOP AND CLEAN HOUSE. THE SIGN COMING IN TO TOWN SHOULD READ ... WELCOME TO NEW COLUMBIA ! out with the old !

  10. I applaud any effort to reduce rental units, it is sad to see the large, stately homes divided up for the purpose of lining someone's wallet. It will be a slow, uphill battle. The borough may have a good idea, but they are not aggressive enough. Or perhaps the borough lacks funds to buy the rental units back. It never should have gotten to this point, but it did.

  11. Even if you can afford to buy the large home in Columbia and really want to live here, you can't afford 500 hundred dollars a month for the taxes. That's how/why they turn into rentals.

  12. i agree about the rental units. NO it should NEVER have gotten to this point. where was zoning & codes the??? the MAJORITY of the black eyes come from tehants, transients who ride the bus into town & work the system. time to take it back. drug test for ALL who collect ALL FREE GOVERNMENT HANDOUTS! the Boro does NOT have a clue nor do they care. Councilpersons are the bosses.....scared yet?


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