Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Pipeline company files formal proposal

The route would follow 35 miles through Lancaster County and has been highly controversial.


  1. I wonder if Rep. Hickernell is able to form an opinion on this yet. Or is he still suffering from an ethical dilemma?

  2. Dont no but, the pipe line should go through columbia so we could get more money in this town!!

    1. That would be adding insult to (potential) injury. We already have the oil trains thundering through town on a regular basis.

    2. You don't want a pipeline anywhere in your are....they are in fact some of the most reliable and safest means of transporting products, BUT you personally give up ALOT for barely any compensation. Once they are in the ground, John Q Public is screwed.

    3. Yes, the land will be gone (and devalued) forever, and there will be a potential bomb outside the back door.

  3. I work within this industry, unfortunately the only "real" money that Columbia would see would be the increased trade revenue(hotels, restaurants, gas stations, etc) from the workers while the project is commencing and the possible small dollar Right of Way purchases. It does not pay ongoing residuals as some would think. They do usually make a small yearly contribution to the local Fire and EMS service. Simply put.....pipelines make money for pipeline owners/operators and thats it.

  4. It makes money for the politicians to (lobbyists)

    1. Right. Industry writes legislation favorable to industry, and legislators pass it. In return, legislators get campaign contributions and other perks from industry.

  5. The Pipeline is like Walmart, no one wants it, but when gas is cheaper then electric, everyone will use it ! , even the people that picketed. When it is money coming out of your pocket, your opinion will change !

  6. i say NO. not interested. GO AWAY. we don't want this in our backyards.

  7. That's what the Indians said before your houses were built.


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