Friday, December 26, 2014

Pennsylvania will control York City School District

The York City School District has entered receivership, according to a ruling Friday in York County court.
Could it happen here? Should it?


  1. There is no comparison between YCS and CBSD.

  2. Thats what you think!

  3. I'm not sure what the commenter means by no comparison, but they're both in the same situation. They are both bankrupt & cannot be run like they had been. They need to be run like a business with much more efficency. There is way to much money going to administrative costs, & employees recieve benefits well above todays standards. Taxpayers can no longer afford the current business plan. Also schools need to consolidate to reduce redundancy as private businesses are doing.

  4. i agree with comment of 12/27 at 10:13 pm....this is so true of BOTH the school district AND the boro.....WAY TOO MANY MGMT/ADMIN/ASSISTANTS TO ASSISTANTS,ETC.this should have been done years ago.

  5. More then half of the people working for the boro. don't even live in columbia!!

    1. Yes you are right, that is because columbia will give you everything out of the tax payer dollars!!!

    2. What difference does that make. You get a much less qualified pool of candidates if you limit the pool. That would be just stupid.

  6. because, taxes are sooo damn high, but the pay with benefits are sooo damn good!

  7. Everyone should look at Columbia News and Views graphic Mr. Brian Long has created, of which 61 percent of Columbia School budget goes for instruction yet compard to other schools, Columbia spends far less on students.

    At our level of students, already over stretched tax base, when will our school board admit the district is not sustainable? PSERS contributions continue to rise.

    YCS teacher took pay cuts the last few years. Will our teachers and administrators do the same? Will it be enough? Anyone have actions or suggestions?


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