Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Where's the Borough Manager? - Update

A phone call to the borough office this morning yielded the following results:
A request to speak to Sam Sulkosky was answered by a phone receptionist with a reply that he was not in but a message could be left on his voicemail. When asked when he would be in, the receptionist said, "Probably Monday."


  1. The mgr of the boro & all the receptionist can say is he'll probably be in Monday. Not the way a well operated business is run. Sounds like info being hidden.
    But we know that doesn't happen in Cola

  2. I needed to follow-up with Mr. Sulkosky on a matter previously discussed and I called the boro office this morning. I was told that he was not in the office today. I was offered his voice mail, but I declined that and asked when he will return. The receptionist told me that he will be out at least until Monday.

  3. Again.....he has left town.

  4. He went to the western part of the state. Yep he's gone buy why quit or a lost job??

  5. I think if we are paying his salary, we should be able to know where he is and what's going on now

  6. Your right on the money there!

  7. then ask BOROUGH COUNCIL...for the answer. duh. THEY wiyuld know. certainly the receptionist will NOT know. they don't know much of anything about the going ons in the boro.

  8. Isn't it amazing how this kind of activity is being exposed at the boro hall. Because of Coles blog we now see why this town is in the dire shape its in financially. Might as well be the mafia running this town.

  9. Transparency, where the hell is it? Ethics, where are they? C'mon council!!!

  10. I think he saw a Ghost


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