Sunday, November 9, 2014

Public official resorts to name-calling on social media

The information shown above was relayed to me by someone who reads Facebook and shows why I have come to disregard that site. The comment is just another example of the rumor, innuendo, and unsubstantiated statements found there. Did I mention “potentially libelous”?

I wonder if the person named above is Councillor Jody Gable of the Columbia Borough Council. Unless I'm shown otherwise, I'll assume it is. The Facebook profile indicates an educated person even if the comments do not. I sense a person with a lot of anger, some of which is directed at me.  Since this attack was personal, I'll make my response personal:

Have I offended you in some way in the past, Jody? If you are who I think you are, then your comments are outrageous, to say the least, for a person of your position and standing in the community. Your mindset might be one of the reasons many people have such a negative view of council. Are you angry because I report what goes on at council meetings? Do you prefer operating in the dark and keeping citizens uninformed?

Do I need to mention that you - a public official - have called a citizen a derogatory term on social media? Again, outrageous. The lack of professionalism shown here is appalling.  Also, your comment incited members of the community to post negative comments about me - very inadvisable for a public official. Very bad form.

Further, I'll thank you not to tell me what news to publish on my site. A government official attempting to restrain publication of news indicates a desire for censorship and fits the definition of "prior restraint," as I alluded to in my original article. That you have done so reinforces the need for awareness of First Amendment rights - my original point.  The First Amendment even guarantees the right to post blather on Facebook. Thank you for helping make my case.

My intent in my blog post was not to offend, but to pay tribute to a beloved citizen, and to relay my experience in gathering information about this tragic event and the difficulty in doing so. First Amendment rights do not stop with tragedy. They're not just for “happy” times.

You say I never post your comments, but I post almost all the comments I receive. I don't post those I deem libelous or obscene. Were they yours, Jody? You have now gotten your wish: Not only have I posted your comment, I've also given it its own headline.

As for the “real Columbians,” who are they? I'll wager I've lived here longer than you have. I've paid taxes here for decades, which I suppose gives me some right to speak out on the good and the bad.

Please tell me what line I crossed, what it delineates, where it is located, and who drew it.

I'll close by thanking you for reading my blog and for directing web traffic here.  My hits for today are almost double.

By the way, you misspelled “pitiful.”


  1. First amendment rights are to be protected at ALL times and that includes tragedies. In fact, it is imperative at those times. Do I smell a republican somewhere?

  2. Since when has defending your rights been so hated? Cole Umber did not say anything negative about the deceased or her family or even the young man that hit her. When one person's rights are violated WE ARE ALL VIOLATED. I smell a republican and they resort to name calling as they do often do when they don't know what to do!

  3. The writing here is nothing short of brilliant. I have never had a Facebook account and this is why. People either blow smoke up each other's butt or blast each other relentlessly. The site that Cole operates is for those interested in community, not just a fluff site to post a mediocre photograph that others will endorse as the best they have ever seen. Write on Cole and don't be intimidated by thugs.

    1. Facebook has some self-appointed demagogues who think they run Columbia.

  4. Amen brothers and sisters!!

  5. An open letter to Cole:
    I am not one to give up or give in, but under these circumstances I think that you should stop giving to this community. Let the mindless shine on through Facebook, that seems to be enough to satisfy them.

    1. I'm considering that - except I'd be pleasing the haters and disappointing the readers who like the blog.

  6. Given all of the hateful statements posted on facebook, one would think that Cole Umber was driving the car.
    He was respectful of Ms. Brown and made no judgement regarding the man that hit her. If you can read, you can see this quite clearly. His beef was with the officer making veiled threats about taking his camera. Why does this have to be broken down and explained? As stated, if you can read, but apparently "comprehend" must also be added. Stick with Facebook that way you don't need to think.

    1. Comprehension is difficult for some people. They'd rather turn off their minds and follow the herd.

  7. This is one of the better places on the internet to find out about Columbia related topics. Don't let the mindless reich wing mentality of people tell you how to run your blog. There was absolutely nothing wrong with the entry some folks threw a fit over. Keep doing what ya do!

    1. Thanks for the vote of confidence. I didn't think there was anything wrong with the article either.

  8. Cole you are upsetting the clique that runs this town ( into the ground). I hope the citizens in this town who truly care about this towns future appreciate what your doing. You are bringing out in the open how badly this town is being run by a certain few. This person ( Jody Gable) would be one of the few who does not like that your airing their dirty laundry. PLEASE KEEP IT UP!

    1. Thanks. I will continue. I'm beginning to see who the clique members are.

  9. It's YOUR blog, post what YOU want. If you only have 2 readers, that's 2 educated people. The others can feed at the Facebook trough. Please don't resort to posting what's popular or patronizing.

    1. Unfortunately, Facebook has become a vast wasteland.

  10. Keep up your good work Cole you keep us well informed about what's going on in our town.
    thank you

  11. I've read your article twice and could find not a negative word about the deceased. You gave a fair account of the events, not even a rush to judgement with regard to the driver of the vehicle. Ignore the village idiots.

    1. I thought I was pretty objective about the whole issue. I still don't understand what all the fuss is about.

    2. I don't understand all of the fuss either. She really made herself look bad.

  12. She might be educated but perhaps cannot spell... her word choice should be "pitiful"....

    And I agree- WRITE ON- and know you are supported in your efforts.

  13. Stop the pro bono work immediately Cole. Let the residents of the borough suffocate in their own tax money.

    1. It's a temptation to do so. My life would be much simpler. But not yet.

  14. 2 likes ����

  15. I think Judy Gable should be put off the council right now keep up the good work don't let one person run you out of town and keep going to the council meetings..

    1. Conduct unbecoming a public official

    2. I agree she should be remove from Council. I for one thing you "Cole " do a great job with your updates on this town happens and boro councils' updates on important issues that are not cover by any newspaper!!!

    3. Thanks. I try to keep up with it. It takes time and effort, and I'm behind schedule now. I haven't published much yet on the last Meeting of the Whole.

  16. Was Jody Gable speaking on the record for the Borough Council when she made the comment?

  17. I think she was speaking for her self and not for other people on the council.

  18. I think she may have been angered by the publication of pictures. I will admit they were hard to look at. But they were no different than the pictures shown on Lancaster Online so I don't understand the rage directed at you only.

    1. I don't understand it either. I was singled out by borough employees twice in 48 hours. If I were a neurotic person, I'd have a complex by now.

  19. Its a wonder that this was not a cover up. Remember the man that got killed on Manor st. People did not hear about this until 4 months after!!!!!!!!

  20. If she was speaking for herself and not the Council then there are no grounds for her to be removed as people are asking for. Freedom of Speech is for everyone including elected officials while "off the record".

  21. She is NO longer off the record once she posts a written statement on a public site.

    1. Unfortunate that any of this happened and that we have to resort to faceless websites to vent our anger. Happens all the time. However, please remember that today is Veteran's Day and I for one would appreciate seeing some positive news posted on this and all websites celebrating them today.

    2. You're right. It's time to put this behind us.

    3. Thanks. I appreciate your work.

  22. maybe it was your time frame , you post pic. before the family was told what happened. hope your family doesn't find out about your death on some blog on the internet

  23. Fact: it was a Facebook site from which the family found out the information, NOT from this website.
    Fact: Cole was not at the scene until Mrs. Brown was in the hospital.

  24. What this entire episode has proved is that the residents have to keep an even closer watch on what council members are doing. If they can do this publicly what would they do privately when no one is looking. Cannot be trusted, period.

    1. All I can think to say for this comment is WOW.....and maybe its time for YOU to come out of the shadows and put your name in the running for council.

  25. it's a damn shame she never has nothing to any and all council mtgs...just takes up space.

  26. We the people did not elect the person that made the statement on Facebook, she was appointed to replace someone else. Since she was appointed, council should have to answer for this.

  27. we all should be afraid of this council and what they do. more importantly what they don't do. and NOT having a backbone is number 1. and NOT speaking out for the MAJORITY of taxpaying homeowners is number 2. look at the river park taj mahal. absolutely positively ridiculous that 1 council person got their own personal agenda answered in a HUGE way that the taxpayers in this broke town can't afford and will be paying for for many many years. 1 little building with restrooms is ALL that was/is needed and more parking. NOT the building that takes up ALL the green space. wow. can NOT believe that people STILL can't be bothered to attend mtgs.


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