Sunday, November 23, 2014

Light box signs at Columbia No. 1

Seen this morning: newly installed light box signs (one with a rotating display) at Columbia No.1 Fire Company


  1. Its unwise spending like this by members of #1 that make this merger with Susquehanna questionable. The reason #1 is bankrupt is many years of unwise spending. The reason Susquehanna is financially sound is years of good spending decisions made by its membership. If this last financially sound volunteer fire co fails, what will Columbia do for fire protection. Dont let the foxes ( Ryno & co) guard the hen house.

  2. I heard that there will be a "fire tax" in our future.

  3. The signs are cool :)

  4. A source told me today that grant money was used for the purchase and installation of the signs.

  5. there SHOULD be a fire tax for EACH AND EVERY PERSON 18 YEARS OF AGE AND OLDER!!! can you imagine what they could do with $5.00 from each. these firemen and women are volunteers for gosh sakes.

  6. Do u believe the state would give an organization money to buy signs, & if they did give approval for allocation of taxpayer money for this reason shame on them. There sure is enough other things like schools that could have made better use of this money. But I would bet someone in #1 pulled a fast one & didn't use the money for what it was intended for. Good trail for you to follow up on Cole.

  7. Good pictures..I have heard about Columbia light box signs that are really popular..Because light box signs are great for every business.

  8. Light box signs nyc gives you an edge over your rivals because of their visibility from a distance. Get them done from the experts.


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