Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Enforce law in Locust Street Park

This letter appeared in today's LNP.


  1. i agree. boro and police are good at excuses. on my way home from work yesterday there were at LEAST 25 kids in the park in a group. this is bs.

    1. and they did not leave until after 7:45 pm. nobody is suppose to be in the park after dark. now they are using the Lions Club gazebo as their protection from inclement weather and our infamous police just cruise by in the comfort of their cruiser..........

    2. If you read the article, just not the parts you want to see, you will see that police can not enforce the park rules. The park has rules, rules are not laws. The borough is the slow part in getting this fixed, once the borough takes over the police will possibly be able to do something about it.

    3. Really - so what I gather you are saying is I can go to the Park after dark and jump and down on park benches and break them beyond repair and ride my skate board up on the benches. oh and break tree branches and litter to the point where it looks like a land fill. And this is considered Not breaking any laws??? take a walk in the park some evening and tell us what you see.

    4. You can go to the park and do that if you wish. If someone calls the police and wants to be a witness I'm sure the old public grounds commission would love to have someone assist them in identifying who are the culprits behind the damage. I think a lot of the damage is being done prior to being dark. Most people don't want to be a witness in fear of retaliation.

  2. It's not so much how many are there as it is what they are doing. Lots of trash is being thrown on the ground and they are rude and vulgar toward other people using the area. They deliberately defy the posted rules.

  3. Open defiance... students read... they know the park is a "safe" ... can't touch me zone....I simply cannot understand the LACK of uniform and consistent enforcement of our laws, park rules, our codes... What kind of a wake up call do we, the citizenry, need to call for change and hold our officials accountable? Who will call for all Columbia food safety inspections to be published and for all to view? Why is the Right to Know process always no?

  4. They want these kids in the park so they dont go down to river park!

  5. I agree about the about the food inspections we should know and they should be be in the paper

  6. Another reason for people not to come into Columbia. Outsiders don't know if the food establishments in this town are acceptable. After that screw up on 13th street by our codes dept, would you trust their restraunt inspections.

  7. Columbia food establishments are not inspected by outside sources which is why you do not hear if they are in compliance.


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