Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Zoning Hearing Board Meeting 10-29-14

The Columbia Borough Zoning Hearing Board heard arguments regarding a partially constructed pole barn/garage at 631 South 13th Street. The Board set a deadline of November 12th for submission of briefs. A decision will be announced at its next meeting on December 3rd.
[Further details will be posted on this site in the near future.]


  1. thats all? no "illegal structure?" of tear it down immediately....i imagine there was a big turn out....unusual for a 2 week deadline to submit briefs?????? NEVER heard of that in 10 years...guess because there IS AN ISSUE with permit being issued in ref to size, sq ft, etc. Hang in there neighbors!! Guess you took an attorney with you to this zoning hearing!

    1. Each side had an attorney present.

    2. The zoning officer had previously revoked the permit. At that time, he allegedly said the reason for doing so was that he had made a mistake.

  2. The reason for the delay for the briefs , is because the side representing the pole barn didn't have his briefs done at this time. The other lawyer had hers and was ready then.

  3. Columbia Borough should pay to move the structure, it was their mistake. Mistakes happen, we're only human.

  4. yay for the concerned neighbors hiring a lawyer...BEST move you could EVER have made! Well done.
    The Boro SHOULD make it right...hence, it needs to come down.

  5. Hope everybody realizes that even if the Columbia Zoning Board decides to not approve the variance, the applicant can appeal it to Lancaster.

  6. yep. they would appeal it to the Lancaster County Court.....


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