Friday, October 31, 2014

The Columbia Taxpayer

Happy Halloween!


  1. This person doesn't have to pay these taxes anymore, so he is luckier that way.

  2. time to remember that State Rep Hickernell has done NOTHING for us...NOTHING for tax reform. Time to vote in some new blood! There should be a limit on the number of terms one can serve.

  3. columbia people will go and complain about school taxes and turn right around and vote for the folks who do nothing to help us.crocano and wolf will but we will complain and still vote for them and the same with the country,we complain,vote for the folks who can spread fear and hate and then when the voting is over,go complain again after you just voted in the folks who won't help us.

  4. ain't?!#%$!% doesn't make any sense. the only thing i'm not sure about is that Tom Wolf is NOT for hunters. now that my friends IS a problem. say it ain't so!


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