Sunday, September 28, 2014

Something new has been added

Fence posts have appeared recently along the side of the property at 631 South 13th Street, even though the zoning permit pertaining to fence installation specifies the rear of the property. (Unless "rear" means any of the property behind the house.)
More information can be found HERE.


  1. I have been doing work on my property for about 8 years with no permit, i see nothing wrong here.

  2. What makes you so special? Everyone else is required to purchase a permit to do work. Sounds like you need to keep your name "anonymous" because you owe the borough for 8 years of permits. I personally resent people like you that think it's ok for them to ignore the rules that everyone else must legally follow. Again, why do you think you are special?

  3. Do the ordinances apply to some and not to others? To ask the question is to answer it.

  4. what about the "stop work" order?????? doesn't it apply to ALL work? again, this is such a disgrace. council step up and take care of this issue once and for all.

    1. I couldn't find a "stop work" order posted on the property.

  5. I don't think that council can take care of this, it must go to the zoning board first?? I'm asking because I'm not positive if that is how it works. If it goes to the zoning board, who is on that board and what qualifications do they have to make a decision. Is that meeting open to the public?

    1. From

      Zoning Ordinance
      Columbia Borough is defined by various zoning districts. The Zoning Ordinance lists permitted uses for each district. Districts include residential (rural, low density, medium density, high density), commercial (downtown, neighborhood, highway), industrial (light, general), park, and conservation. Each district has specific regulations including set backs, structure height, parking and sign requirements.

      Zoning Board
      The seven-member Zoning Board of Adjustment is appointed by Borough Council. The Board meets as needed on the last Wednesday of each month.

      Members include:

      Cleon Berntheizel, Chair

      Joseph Nikolaus, Vice Chair

      Don Haines , Member

      William Melbert, Member

      Jonathan Lutz, Member

      David Brumbaugh – alternate


      Zoning Hearings
      Zoning applications are available at the Borough Office, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Filing deadlines for each month are available on request by calling 717-684-2467.

    2. Yes, what are the board members' qualifications?

    3. Surnames, it appears

  6. Instead of one person skipping permits, all property owners should skip the permit process and do whatever they want to, thereby eliminating the need for code officers and a zoning board. Any resulting conflicts can be resolved by the police.

    1. Right, residents could skip zoning permits as a protest. It could be called a "Zone-Out." Then we would see who gets cited and who doesn't.

  7. The out of town man that is putting up the garage has the right idea cause once it's up chances are zero of it coming down. I heard that a business in the borough built on and did not secure a permit first. That structure is still standing.

  8. zoning hearing board IS open to the public. i agree with 9/29/14 at 8:37 am....i hopoe i'm should NOT be leave it alone. it SHOULD be TEAR IT DOWN AND MAKE IT RIGHT. AND GET RID OF THE OFFICER WHO DOESN'T KNOW HIS JOB.

    1. If the owner is not granted a variance, the garage should come down. He should not be granted a variance after the fact.

    2. In an earlier post for all to see the property owner received a signed document from the codes enforcement officer for the installation of a 6 foot high fence. He applied. The borough gave approval. The end.

    3. The fence is not so much the problem as the oversized structure that is now accumulating construction vehicles that might soon be rolling up and down a residential street.

  9. AND the permit for the fence said REAR ...NOT side or front!
    this is ridiculous. I certainly hope that it gets righted at the Zoning Hearing Board in October.does anyone know the rules about attending or speaking-which would be right-you go on RECORD.

  10. if I lived in this area...I'd consult with an attorney...just sayin! and it certainly would be SMART to have the lawyer attend the Zoning Hearing Board meeting in October. Seriously look into doesn't cost as much as you may think!!!! Good luck!

  11. excellent advice! i agree....consult with an attorney....once a decision is made at Zoning Hearing Board...not sure if it would be of any value after the fact. get neighbors to chip in

  12. just read a comment earlier that said properties in this neighborhood are paying $ 4,000.00 each in taxes for one year...i have to say that number is probably closer to $5,000.00 and possibly even higher......this is getting to be more and more of a wrong.

  13. my advice is this-get an attorney. take attorney to the zoning hearing board mtg. it doesn't cost that much...couple hundred-share the cost. ONCE A DECISION IS MADE IT WILL BE TOO LATE! (at the zoning hearing board) therefore, be proactive and take an attorney with you! smartest move! this is a legal proceeding & an attorney KNOWS WHAT to say and HOW to say it! just sayin. good luck.

  14. i agree. this is excellent advice!

  15. i also have to agree...take an attorney with you to the zoning hearing board hearing...after the fact will be too late. (you already know how things work here.)

  16. the Zoning Hearing IS scheduled for WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 29 AT I BELIEVE 7 PM


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