Several hundred people attended Columbia's National Night Out on Tuesday, August 5, from 5 to 8 p.m. at Glatfelter's Park. Dozens of stands representing local businesses and organizations were on display. Susquehanna Fire Company Number 4 (Hambones) demonstrated the Jaws of Life by cuyting apart an vehicle donated by the Midway Collision Shop. Unfortunately, The Life Lion helicopter was unable to appear as schduled, due to a delay in Elizabethtown.
Here, a youngster checked his weight on a vehicle scale.
CPR manikins were displayed.
Tethered hot-air balloon rides were offered for $5 a passenger.
Vehicles from several fire departments were on display.
The event was a success, with several hundred people attending.
Chris Vera represented the Columbia Historic Preservation Society.
Waterways Conservation Officer Jeff Schmidt showed a variety of specimens.
Firefighters demonstrated life-saving techniques, using the Jaws of Life to disassemble a vehicle.
A person in the stands seemed to be making a comment about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Mayor Lutz (accompanied by Kathy Hohenadel of the Susquehanna Valley Chamber of Commerce) led the balloon send-off.
Onlookers awaited the countdown
Mayor Lutz, balloon in hand, readied the crowd.
The countdown and send-off
love this, way to go Columbia!!