Friday, April 4, 2014

Here yesterday, gone today?

A quick check at Laurel Hill Cemetery on Friday night showed that some graves retained their items while others didn't. It's possible that some items were replaced today in anticipation of this story breaking. (See preceding post.)
Previously, there was a sign at the entrance to the cemetery grounds, which stated that items left after a certain length of time will be removed. As of today, that sign was missing.
The cemetery's website contains a tab to download regulations, which directs the user to a page with a "Not Found" notice.



    6-a. Laurel Hill Memorial Gardens retains control and supervision of its entire
    cemetery and Laurel Hill Memorial Gardens retains the right to enter upon any part thereof
    and prohibit, modify or remove any shrubs, objects, plants, or other adornment which may
    have been placed thereon in violation of these rules and regulations or which are
    objectionable or injurious to common decency or the beauty of the cemetery.
    6-b. Laurel Hill Memorial Gardens reserves the right to remove all floral designs,
    flowers, plants, trees, shrubs once they become unsightly, dangerous, detrimental or diseased.
    Laurel Hill Memorial Gardens does not permit borders, glass items, figurines, rocks, and any
    item likely to rust, any items with hooks, spikes or sharp edges and any memorial object not
    of the same craftsmanship approved by Laurel Hill Memorial Gardens. This includes the
    removal of artificial flowers at designated times when they interfere with mowing and the
    appearance of the cemetery. Laurel Hill Memorial Gardens shall not be liable for the loss of
    any floral pieces, baskets, vases or other objects removed under these conditions.

    1. Ah, there they are. Thanks for this information.

  2. Laurel Hill has been very lenient with regard to the placement of items on graves. My grandparents and my beloved dog are buried there. I have seen things that are simply over the top. I see a lot of figurines and even glass objects. There are lots of flag poles that are non-military. I can see where a spring clean up may be in order.

    1. I understand people's sentimental attachment to the gravesites, but some areas were beginning to look like an episode of "Hoarders."

  3. I agree there has to be a line drawn...but absolutely NO military items should ever be moved or taken. period.


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