Monday, February 3, 2014

Columbia declares snow emergency

Columbia Borough has declared a snow emergency beginning at 4 p.m. Monday and remaining in effect until further notice.

Mayor Leo Lutz said parking is prohibited on these snow emergency routes:

Locust Street, Front to Fifth streets;
North Third Street, Locust to Cedar streets;
Chestnut Street, Second to Fifth streets;
North Fifth Street, Chestnut to Locust streets;
Lancaster Avenue, Locust Street to Malleable Road;
Kinderhook Road;
Ironville Pike, Ninth Street to Borough Limit;
Ninth Street, Ironville Pike to Lancaster Avenue.
Parking is available in borough parking lots at Front and Locust Streets, next to Borough Hall on Locust and in the former telephone company lot in Avenue H between 2nd and 3rd Streets.

1 comment:

  1. mayor if the boro is going to declare a state of emeergency...then follow thru and tow all the vehicles in the emergency route. instead of doing it half way. its hard enough trying to plow and i think the highway dept has stepped up their game this season! thank you all!


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